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  1. Show whether a GameObject is active (commit: 0625aff) (details)
  2. Add toggle to show active/all GOs (commit: 34dfe19) (details)
  3. Add support for WheelCollider (commit: dd173d4) (details)
  4. v1.6.0 - KSP 1,8 and PRs (commit: 16a0124) (details)
Commit 0625aff4e8d2bc82d288e2ef3de755c66e023389 by joeydwong
Show whether a GameObject is active
Adds an A:True/False indicator to each game object which says whether
it's active (note - this is whether the game object itself is active,
not whether it's active in the hierarchy which depends on the parents)
(commit: 0625aff)
The file was modified DebugStuff.cs (diff)
Commit 34dfe197080ceb721ac46402eb68836d162f78ae by joeydwong
Add toggle to show active/all GOs
If the switch is set to active and a GameObject is not active in the
hierarchy, none of its component indicators will be rendered.  Note that
everything is still shown in the hiearchy list.
(commit: 34dfe19)
The file was modified DebugStuff.cs (diff)
Commit dd173d42507ca19254f4c423cd549a25eb54584b by cake-pie
Add support for WheelCollider
(commit: dd173d4)
The file was modified DebugStuff.cs (diff)
The file was modified Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs (diff)