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rmBlockBackgroundTaskorigValSpecialoriginalyieldIntervalSystem.ComponentModeltailKSPUtilTakeAllModuleManager.dllTechTreeUrlSafeUrlget_FileUrlpatchUrlget_FullUrlparentUrlget_urlFileStreamstreamget_Itemset_ItemLoadingSystemHashAlgorithmTrimShallowCopyFromfromRectTransformget_rectTransformget_transformSumEnumFindConfigNodeInFindValueInresourceManBooleannyanLoadingScreenOpenGetComponentsInChildrenGetComponentInChildrenget_childrenAssignset_anchorMinAppDomainget_CurrentDomainget_UISkinJoinKSPAddonget_Revisionget_fileExtensionget_Versionget_FileVersionversionCheckNeedsExpressionneedsExpressionApplicationget_LocationSystem.GlobalizationActionget_ProgressFractionSystem.ReflectionGroupCollectionModPassCollectionconditionset_anchoredPositionget_localPositionset_localPositionIOExceptionget_ExceptionNotImplementedExceptionNotSupportedExceptionFileNotFoundExceptionKeyNotFoundExceptionDirectoryNotFoundExceptionNullReferenceExceptionArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionLogExceptionArgumentNullExceptionInvalidOperationExceptionUnauthorizedAccessExceptionFormatExceptionArgumentExceptionexceptionStringComparisonDialogGUIButtonRunOnRnDCenterDeSpawnOnRnDCenterSpawnonGUIRnDComplexSpawnonGUIRnDComplexDespawnCompareToLogToCopyToMethodInfoFileInfoCultureInfoFileVersionInfoGetVersionInfoMemberInfoParameterInfoNumberFormatInfoDirectoryInfoTMProget_zeroSleepsepPoploopRequestStopAssembly-CSharpGroupget_realtimeSinceStartupSystem.Linqj__TParj__TParClearCharhasPosStarMMPatchLoaderPostPatchLoaderpatchLoaderAssemblyLoaderIFormatProviderStringBuilderIProtoPatchBuilderprotoPatchBuilderCareerget_ResourceManagerPartUpgradeManagerModuleManagerCustomConfigsManagerILoggerIBasicLoggerModLoggerQueueLoggerStreamLoggerkspLoggerUnityLoggerget_loggerINodeMatcherget_NodeMatchernodeMatcherIPassSpecifierget_PassSpecifierBeforePassSpecifierFinalPassSpecifierAfterPassSpecifierForPassSpecifierInsertPassSpecifierLastPassSpecifierFirstPassSpecifierLegacyPassSpecifierpassSpecifierIUrlConfigIdentifierPatchApplierINeedsCheckerneedsCheckerget_HandlerPartUpgradeHandlerFatalErrorHandlerParseTrailerParsePrimaryTrailertrailerSystem.CodeDom.CompilerIPatchCompilerpatchCompilerset_autoSizeTextContainerinnerQueueLogRunnerlogRunnerMMPatchRunnerpatchRunnerInGameTestRunnerToUpperTaskStatusWrapperStringComparerCommandParserOperatorParserITagListParsertagListParserAddAfterNeedsUnsatisfiedAfterStreamWriterstreamWriterTextWriterEnterinRnDCenterget_Counterset_CounterProgressCountercounterBitConverterLogSplitterUrlDirdirNeedsUnsatisfiedForget_Majorget_versionMajorget_version_majorget_Minorget_versionMinorget_version_minorLogErrorget_IsExitedWithErrorHandleFatalErrorIEnumeratorSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumeratorSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumeratorSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumeratorSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumeratorSystem.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumeratorModListGeneratorOperatorseperator.ctorPatchExtractorextractor.cctorMonitorget_DescriptorIntPtrintPtrMonoBehaviourtimeToWaitForLogsMshasCanvascanvasSaveModdedPhysicsSystem.DiagnosticsCheckNeedsneedsget_ElapsedMillisecondsget_textBoundsmodsSystem.Runtime.CompilerServicesSystem.ResourcesModuleManager.Properties.Resources.resourcesFillUpgradesDebuggingModespatchedNodesRemoveNodesGetNodesget_CountNodesget_nodesModuleManager.PatchesappliedPatchesfinalPatchestotalPatchesinsertPatchesfirstPatcheslegacyPatchesApplyPatchespatchesloadedAssembliesGetAssembliesCheckNeedsWithDirectoriesget_AllDirectoriesGetDirectoriesModuleManager.Propertiesget_AllConfigFileswarningFileserrorFilesGetFilesget_filesNumberStylesGameScenesGetTypesRunTestCasesmodPassesReadAllBytesGetBytesRemoveValuesWildcardMatchValuesGetValuesget_CountValuesget_valuesModuleManager.TagsBindingFlagstagsget_ExperienceConfigsdatabaseConfigsget_AllConfigsOutputAllConfigsGetConfigsLoadTraitConfigsget_configswarningsGameSettingsQualitySettingsGetCommandLineArgs<>4__thispostPatchCallbacksPhysicsGlobalsEqualsModuleManager.UtilsFileUtilsCareerParamsget_ScreensContainsModuleManager.ExtensionsConfigNodeExtensionsUrlConfigExtensionsStringExtensionsNodeStackExtensionsIBasicLoggerExtensionsSystem.Text.RegularExpressionsSystem.CollectionsModuleManager.CollectionsLoadDefinitionsStringSplitOptionsTextAlignmentOptionsRegexOptionsexceptionsnamePatternstextPoswindowPosget_Groupsget_CharsloadersModuleManager.Patches.PassSpecifiersGameParametersGetParametersget_Errorsset_ErrorserrorscontraintSeparatorsIPassModPassbeforePassafterPassforPasscurrentPasslastPassget_asspassFileAccessget_SuccessModuleManager.ProgressIPatchProgressprogressnCatssplitsGameEventsCheckConstraintsSplitConstraintsconstraintsExistsget_Statusset_StatusITaskStatusstatusConcatAppendFormatget_NumberFormatSubtractRectGameObjectget_gameObjectlockObjectGetObjectCreateTextObjectobjectSelectpassesDictSystem.Collections.IEnumerator.ResetTMP_FontAssetop_ImplicitEditSplitQuitExitget_DefaultFirstOrDefaultIAsyncResultresultToUpperInvariantToLowerInvariantindentIncrementset_alignmentEnvironmentAddComponentSetParentget_parentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.CurrentSystem.Collections.IEnumerator.CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_CurrentSystem.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current<>2__currentOnEventPrettyPrintprintset_fontget_Countset_vSyncCountpatchedNodeCountget_RootNeedsUnsatisfiedRootgameDatabaseRootget_IsRootget_rootThreadStartstartInsertSortAddLastGenerateModListmodListConfigNodeListValueListITagListtagListPatchListLoadedAssembyListget_FirstDialogGUIHorizontalLayoutget_NextMoveNextSystem.TextTMP_TextReadAllTextAppendAllTextnextget_textset_textPatchContextcontextmenuget_NowPowget_rainbowset_anchorMaxFindIndexhasPosIndexposIndexClosingBracketIndexstartIndexindexwhitespaceRegexprefixThenByget_Dayset_isOverlayToArraypassesArrayarrayIsReadyreadyget_KeyparseVarKeyContainsKeyprimaryKeykeySystem.Security.CryptographyKSPAssemblyget_AssemblyLoadedAssemblyGetExecutingAssemblycurrentAssemblyget_assemblyMultiplyApplyOnDestroyApplyingCopyDeepCopyPartResourceLibraryCreateDirectoryFilePathRepositoryget_Capacityop_Equalityop_InequalityactivityIsNullOrEmpty1{{ a = {0}, ass = {1} }}ModuleManager has encountered a fatal error and KSP needs to close. {0} Please see KSP's log for addtional details7ModuleManager - Fatal Error QuitwException while trying to create the fatal exception dialog loggerChecking Cache9Exception in IsCacheUpToDatePre patch init%Extracting patches!Applying patchesDone patching warnings+ related to GameData/ error eErrors in patch prevents the creation of the cacheKException while deleting stale cache Saving CacheMThe patching thread threw an exception%Loading from Cache#Dumping patch log; #### BEGIN PATCH LOG #### 5 #### END PATCH LOG ####5Patch log does not exist: Ran in F3'Loading Physics.cfgPHYSICSGLOBALSNo PHYSICSGLOBALS node found. No custom Physics config will be saved PHYSICSGLOBALS node found. A patch may be wrong. Using the first oneuDuplicate fileSha key. This should not append. The key is /GWe apologize for the inconvenience.#SHA generated in  SHA = SHAversionKSPVersionFilesSHA.Cache SHA = useCache = Changes : Changed : filename .cfg Added : Deleted : FILE!patchedNodeCountUrlConfigparentUrl/PhysicsSaving cache=Exception while saving the sha[NullReferenceException while saving the cacheAException while saving the cacheAn error occured while creating the cache. Deleting the cache files to avoid keeping a bad cacheEException while deleting the cacheTechTreeqNo TechTree node found. No custom TechTree will be saved TechTree node found. A patch may be wrong. Using the first oneModuleManager: patches% loaded from cache!Parent null for Cache Loaded applied (P0)-, found <color=yellow></color>-, found <color=orange>3, encountered <color=red> exception[Error - Cannot find value assigning command: ]Error - Cannot parse value modifying command: *gError - Unable to parse number as number. Very odd.aError - Cannot use operators with insert value: yError - Cannot parse variable search when inserting new key  = cError - Cannot use index with replace (%) value: kError - Cannot use operators with replace (%) value: }Error - Cannot use wildcards (* or ?) with replace (%) value: yError - Cannot parse variable search when replacing (%) key mError - Cannot parse variable search when editing key sError - Cannot use operators with delete (- or !) value: cError - Renaming nodes does not work on top nodesaError - Cannot use index with create (&) value: iError - Cannot use operators with create (&) value: {Error - Cannot use wildcards (* or ?) with create (&) value: yError - Cannot parse variable search when replacing (&) key Error - Skipping a patch subnode with unbalanced square brackets or a space (replace them with a '?') in  : ,UError - Can not find the node to paste in  : :HAS[[] name../)Can't find nodeType:MCannot parse variable search command: !Cannot find key in +Invalid Vector Index!WError - Failed to do a regexp replacement: ' : original value="" regexp="" Note - to use regexp, the first char is used to subdivide the string (much like sed)UError - Failed to do a maths replacement: " operator= mod value="" HAS[^\*.*\?$([\w\&\-\.\?\*+/^!\(\) ]+(?:,[^*\d][\w\&\-\.\?\*\(\) ]*)*)(?:,(-?[0-9\*]+))?(?:\[((?:[0-9\*]+)+)(?:,(.))?\])?([\w\&\-\.]+)(?:,((?:[0-9]+)+))?(?:\[((?:[0-9]+)+)(?:,(.))?\])?kspLogger![ModuleManager] Multiple copies of current version. Using the first copy. Version: Can't find LoadingScreen type. Aborting ModuleManager executionModuleManagerWAdding post patch to the loading screen {0}-nyan-nyan -ncats-mm-dumpMMStatusMMErrorsMMWarning STATUS#Fonts/Calibri SDF+Total loading Time = /_MMCfgOutput/QException while cleaning the export dir Exporting SException while trying to write the file EException while exporting the cfg version at % lost the electionVersion   5 won the election against ccompiling list of loaded mods... Mod DLLs found: E {0,-40}{1,-25}{2,-25}{3,-25}{4}  Name!Assembly Version+Assembly File Version'KSPAssembly Version SHA256YException while generating SHA for assembly ANon-DLL mods added (:FOR[xxx]):  :FOR[ {0} 9Skipping :FOR init for line }. The line most likely contains a space that should be removedcMods by directory (sub directories of GameData): GameData3ModuleManager.ConfigCache-ModuleManager.TechTree+ModuleManager.PhysicsPhysics.cfg!PartDatabase.cfg/ModuleManager.ConfigSHA Logs#ModuleManager.logMMPatch.log5ModuleManager : post patch!gameDatabaseRoot!Running tests...MMTEST_EXPECT Test m failed as expected number of nodes differs expected:  found: ] failed as expected output and actual output differ. expected:  Actually got: tests complete. modsgameDataprogressmodcan't be emptyneedsExpression nodeurlConfig:NEEDS[kArgumentOutOfRangeException in CheckNeeds for value "WGeneral Exception in CheckNeeds for value "+Error - Node in file  subnode: 1 has == nulliArgumentOutOfRangeException in CheckNeeds for node "%General Exception  for node " type;can't be empty (null allowed)constraints3is not bracket balanced: patchesEException while processing node : 'Processed node was needsCheckertagListParser#protoPatchBuilderpatchCompilerError - node name does not have balanced brackets (or a space - if so replace with ?): yError - replace command (%) is not valid on a root node: {0}wError - create command (&) is not valid on a root node: {0}wError - rename command (|) is not valid on a root node: {0}uError - paste command (#) is not valid on a root node: {0}yError - special command (*) is not valid on a root node: {0}_Cannot parse node name as tag list: {0} on: {1}wException while attempting to create patch from config: {0}#:INSERT (initial) :FIRST#:LEGACY (default) :FINALmodListWDon't know what to do with pass specifier: 'Mod '{0}' not foundurlFileUSetting modded tech tree as the active oneQSetting modded physics as the active one{Something went wrong while setting the active physics config./[CustomConfigsManager] 'File does not exist{0,2:x2}'Task is not runningexception actionkeyKtrailer must be null if value is nulltrailer< '' [ ' ' ] '> tagstoParseOcan't create tag list from empty stringMcan't create tag list beginning with [Mcan't create tag list beginning with :'trailing : detectedUencountered closing bracket in primary key]encountered opening bracket in primary trailer]encountered closing bracket in primary trailer-tag can't start with [!extra : detectedEencountered closing bracket in keyMencountered opening bracket in trailerMencountered closing bracket in trailerreached end of the tag list without encountering a close bracketEModuleManager.Properties.Resources cat-1 cat-2 cat-3 cat-4 cat-5 cat-6 cat-7 cat-8 cat-9 cat-10 cat-11 cat-12rainbow2OnPatchAppliedOnPassStarted pass pass5Applying update {0} to {1}1Applying copy {0} to {1}5Applying delete {0} to {1}Deleting root node in file {0} node: {1} as it can't satisfy its NEEDSDeleting node in file {0} subnode: {1} as it can't satisfy its NEEDSDeleting value in file {0} value: {1} as it can't satisfy its NEEDSDeleting root node in file {0} node: {1} as it can't satisfy its BEFOREDeleting root node in file {0} node: {1} as it can't satisfy its FOR (this shouldn't happen)Deleting root node in file {0} node: {1} as it can't satisfy its AFTERnodeTypepassSpecifierconfigsnodeMatcherdatabaseConfigsError - when applying copy {0} to {1} - the copy needs to have a different name than the parent (use @name = xxx)QException while applying copy {0} to {1}UException while applying delete {0} to {1}MM_PATCH_LOOP+Looping on {0} to {1}UException while applying update {0} to {1}protoPatchQhas an invalid command for a root node: tagListmname specifier detected on insert node (not a patch): Oempty brackets detected on patch name: /unrecognized trailer: ' ' on:  NEEDSmore than one :NEEDS tag detected, ignoring all but the first: 7empty :NEEDS tag detected: HASY:HAS detected on insert node (not a patch): {more than one :HAS tag detected, ignoring all but the first: 3empty :HAS tag detected: FIRST=value detected on :FIRST tag: mpass specifier detected on insert node (not a patch): more than one pass specifier detected, ignoring all but the first: BEFORE9empty :BEFORE tag detected: FOR3empty :FOR tag detected: AFTER7empty :AFTER tag detected: LAST5empty :LAST tag detected: FINAL=value detected on :FINAL tag: 'unrecognized tag: ':AFTER[{0}]:BEFORE[{0}]:FOR[{0}]:LAST[{0}] stream!must be writableAObject has already been disposedLOGWRNERRASTEXCUNK[{0} {1}] {2}/yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss.fff!<null exception>logger1logger2 prefix] logQueue)must be non-negative'timeToWaitForLogsMsECannot request stop from {0} state3Cannot run from {0} statesb<null node> {0}{1} {2}{{ <null> +{0}<null value list> !{0}<null value> {0}{1} = {2} ){0}<null node list> {0}}} \s+<blank><unknown>!<null UrlConfig> array=must be non-negative (got {0})startIndexmust be less than or equal to array length (array length {0}, startIndex {1}) lengthmust fit within the string (array length {0}, startIndex {1}, length {2})GCannot pop from the root of a stack Done!Patching started on a new thread, all output will be directed to KThe logging thread threw an exceptioncThe patcher returned a null collection of configsMMSarbianExtWaited 1s for patching to finish=Applying patched game databaseKDumping ModuleManager log to main logK #### BEGIN MODULEMANAGER LOG #### E #### END MODULEMANAGER LOG ####EModuleManager log does not exist: ?Reloading resources definitions/Reloading Trait configs/Reloading Part Upgrades9Running post patch callbacks[Exception while running a post patch callback+ModuleManagerPostLoadCalling ()1Exception while calling YPost run call threw an exception in loading () : %Post patch ran in can't be blank patch^yM%_      E@m    q  qPqtPq  YqD            U         UYe!uqlULH qa8qdXy}y}U qlH  a aaq a q qq  qq  PeP  Y yy }}   am qa a m m ee    m 0ue mm qe q e         m   mmmm   m mm  m*mmmllmeemUUUqll mmqee m # malmTeqlle ym@m H H  m mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m @ U           q    m    m m/"mllmmm @K5llmmmm  ]U H  %Y] )  *mm     ]  m mmmm 1 -- - 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