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Y Please see KSP's log for addtional details7ModuleManager - Fatal Error QuitwException while trying to create the fatal exception dialogGameData3ModuleManager.ConfigCache-ModuleManager.TechTree+ModuleManager.PhysicsPhysics.cfg!PartDatabase.cfg/ModuleManager.ConfigSHA LogsModuleManager#ModuleManager.logMMPatch.logFix 1.6.0 /+modsAddedByAssemblies loggerChecking Cache9Exception in IsCacheUpToDatePre patch init%Extracting patches!Applying patchesDone patching warnings+ related to GameData/ error eErrors in patch prevents the creation of the cacheKException while deleting stale cache Saving CacheMThe patching thread threw an exception%Loading from Cache#Dumping patch log; #### BEGIN PATCH LOG #### 5 #### END PATCH LOG ####5Patch log does not exist: Ran in F3'Loading Physics.cfgPHYSICSGLOBALSNo PHYSICSGLOBALS node found. No custom Physics config will be saved}{0} {1} nodes found. A patch may be wrong. Using the first oneuDuplicate fileSha key. This should not append. The key is GWe apologize for the inconvenience.#SHA generated in  SHA = SHAversionKSPVersionFilesSHA.Cache SHA = useCache = Changes : Changed : filename .cfg Added : Deleted : FILE!patchedNodeCountUrlConfigparentUrl/PhysicsSaving cache=Exception while saving the sha[NullReferenceException while saving the cacheAException while saving the cacheAn error occured while creating the cache. Deleting the cache files to avoid keeping a bad cacheEException while deleting the cacheqNo TechTree node found. No custom TechTree will be savedTechTreeModuleManager: patches% loaded from cache!Parent null for Cache Loaded applied (P0)-, found <color=yellow></color>-, found <color=orange>3, encountered <color=red> exception[Error - Cannot find value assigning command: ]Error - Cannot parse value modifying command: *gError - Unable to parse number as number. Very odd.aError - Cannot use operators with insert value: yError - Cannot parse variable search when inserting new key  = cError - Cannot use index with replace (%) value: kError - Cannot use operators with replace (%) value: }Error - Cannot use wildcards (* or ?) with replace (%) value: yError - Cannot parse variable search when replacing (%) key mError - Cannot parse variable search when editing key sError - Cannot use operators with delete (- or !) value: cError - Renaming nodes does not work on top nodesaError - Cannot use index with create (&) value: iError - Cannot use operators with create (&) value: {Error - Cannot use wildcards (* or ?) with create (&) value: yError - Cannot parse variable search when replacing (&) key Error - Skipping a patch subnode with unbalanced square brackets or a space (replace them with a '?') in  : ,UError - Can not find the node to paste in  : :HAS[[] name../)Can't find nodeType:MCannot parse variable search command: !Cannot find key in +Invalid Vector Index!WError - Failed to do a regexp replacement: ' : original value="" regexp="" Note - to use regexp, the first char is used to subdivide the string (much like sed)UError - Failed to do a maths replacement: " operator= mod value="" HAS[^\*.*\?$([\w\&\-\.\?\*+/^!\(\) ]+(?:,[^*\d][\w\&\-\.\?\*\(\) ]*)*)(?:,(-?[0-9\*]+))?(?:\[((?:[0-9\*]+)+)(?:,(.))?\])?([\w\&\-\.]+)(?:,((?:[0-9]+)+))?(?:\[((?:[0-9]+)+)(?:,(.))?\])?kspLogger![ModuleManager] Multiple copies of current version. Using the first copy. Version: Can't find LoadingScreen type. Aborting ModuleManager executionWAdding post patch to the loading screen {0}-nyan-nyan -ncats-mm-dump%-mm-dont-copy-logsMMStatusMMErrorsMMWarningFirespitter7.3.7175.38653YYou are using a version of Firespitter that does not run properly on KSP 1.8+ This version may prevent the game from loading properly and may create problems for other mods STATUS#Fonts/Calibri SDF#ModuleManagerMenuReload Database+Quick Reload Database-Dump Database to Files Close+Total loading Time = _MMCfgOutputQException while cleaning the export dir EException while exporting the cfg uYou have old versions of Module Manager (older than 1.5) or MMSarbianExt. You will need to remove them for Module Manager and the mods using it to work Exit KSP and delete those files : 1ModuleManagerOldVersions=Old versions of Module ManagerOK_Old version of Module Manager present. Stoppingversion at % lost the electionVersion   5 won the election against Exporting SException while trying to write the file ccompiling list of loaded mods... Mod DLLs found: E {0,-40}{1,-25}{2,-25}{3,-25}{4}  Name!Assembly Version+Assembly File Version'KSPAssembly Version SHA256YException while generating SHA for assembly ANon-DLL mods added (:FOR[xxx]):  :FOR[ {0} 9Skipping :FOR init for line }. The line most likely contains a space that should be removedcMods by directory (sub directories of GameData): 5Mods added by assemblies: 3ModuleManagerAddToModList()Calling SModuleManagerAddToModList returned null: 1Exception while calling ]Add to mod list threw an exception in loading 3ModuleManager: Post patch!gameDatabaseRoot!Running tests...MMTEST_EXPECT Test m failed as expected number of nodes differs expected:  found: ] failed as expected output and actual output differ. expected:  Actually got: tests complete. modsgameDataprogressmodcan't be emptyneedsExpression nodeurlConfig:NEEDS[kArgumentOutOfRangeException in CheckNeeds for value "WGeneral Exception in CheckNeeds for value "+Error - Node in file  subnode: 1 has == nulliArgumentOutOfRangeException in CheckNeeds for node "%General Exception  for node " type;can't be empty (null allowed)constraints3is not bracket balanced: patchesEException while processing node : 'Processed node was needsCheckertagListParser#protoPatchBuilderpatchCompilerError - node name does not have balanced brackets (or a space - if so replace with ?): sError - replace command (%) is not valid on a root node: qError - create command (&) is not valid on a root node: qError - rename command (|) is not valid on a root node: oError - paste command (#) is not valid on a root node: sError - special command (*) is not valid on a root node: ICannot parse node name as tag list: on: qException while attempting to create patch from config: #:INSERT (initial) :FIRST#:LEGACY (default) :FINALmodList :LAST[WDon't know what to do with pass specifier:  Mod '' not foundurlFileUSetting modded tech tree as the active oneQSetting modded physics as the active one{Something went wrong while setting the active physics config./[CustomConfigsManager] 'File does not existbaseLogHandlerIntercepted a ReflectionTypeLoadException. List of broken DLLs: yMod(s) DLL that are not compatible with this version of KSP Exception A while handling the exception...'Task is not runningexception actionkeyKtrailer must be null if value is nulltrailer< '' [ ' ' ] '> tagstoParseOcan't create tag list from empty stringMcan't create tag list beginning with [Mcan't create tag list beginning with :'trailing : detectedUencountered closing bracket in primary key]encountered opening bracket in primary trailer]encountered closing bracket in primary trailer-tag can't start with [!extra : detectedEencountered closing bracket in keyMencountered opening bracket in trailerMencountered closing bracket in trailerreached end of the tag list without encountering a close bracketEModuleManager.Properties.Resources cat-1 cat-2 cat-3 cat-4 cat-5 cat-6 cat-7 cat-8 cat-9 cat-10 cat-11 cat-12rainbow2OnPatchAppliedOnPassStarted pass pass!Applying update to Applying copy !Applying delete 7Deleting root node in file  node: = as it can't satisfy its NEEDS-Deleting node in file /Deleting value in file  value: ? as it can't satisfy its BEFOREi as it can't satisfy its FOR (this shouldn't happen)= as it can't satisfy its AFTERnodeMatcherpassSpecifierdatabaseConfigs7Error - when applying copy  - the copy needs to have a different name than the parent (use @name = xxx)=Exception while applying copy AException while applying delete MM_PATCH_LOOPLooping on AException while applying update nodeTypeconfigsprotoPatchQhas an invalid command for a root node: tagListmname specifier detected on insert node (not a patch): Oempty brackets detected on patch name: /unrecognized trailer: ' ' on:  NEEDSmore than one :NEEDS tag detected, ignoring all but the first: 7empty :NEEDS tag detected: HASY:HAS detected on insert node (not a patch): {more than one :HAS tag detected, ignoring all but the first: 3empty :HAS tag detected: FIRST=value detected on :FIRST tag: mpass specifier detected on insert node (not a patch): more than one pass specifier detected, ignoring all but the first: BEFORE9empty :BEFORE tag detected: FOR3empty :FOR tag detected: AFTER7empty :AFTER tag detected: LAST5empty :LAST tag detected: FINAL=value detected on :FINAL tag: 'unrecognized tag: ':AFTER[:BEFORE[messagelogMessagenewMessageLOGWRNERRASTEXC???HH:mm:ss.fff] ;[{0} LogType={1} Message={2}]logger1logger2 prefix queuelogQueue)must be non-negative'timeToWaitForLogsMsECannot request stop from {0} state3Cannot run from {0} stateAObject has already been disposed datasb<null node> {0}{1} {2}{{ <null> +{0}<null value list> !{0}<null value> {0}{1} = {2} ){0}<null node list> {0}}} \n \r \t: \s+<blank><unknown>!<null UrlConfig> urlDirurl array=must be non-negative (got {0})startIndexmust be less than or equal to array length (array length {0}, startIndex {1}) lengthmust fit within the string (array length {0}, startIndex {1}, length {2})GCannot pop from the root of a stackcreateValuecatNyanCatMLegacy Shaders/Particles/Alpha Blendedmaterial = UICatOrbiter F2Log started at /yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff Done!Patching started on a new thread, all output will be directed to KThe logging thread threw an exceptioncThe patcher returned a null collection of configsMMSarbianExt1Overall progress: {0:P0}Starting-ModuleManagerReloadingEModuleManager - Reloading DatabasemodNameassemblyName (added by [ModuleManager: Waiting for patching to finishWaited 1s for patching to finish[ModuleManager: Applying patched game database=Applying patched game databaseeNot dumping log because -mm-dont-copy-logs was setKModuleManager: Dumping log to KSP logKDumping ModuleManager log to main logK #### BEGIN MODULEMANAGER LOG #### E #### END MODULEMANAGER LOG ####EModuleManager log does not exist: ?ModuleManager: Reloading things?Reloading resources definitions/Reloading Trait configs/Reloading Part UpgradesWModuleManager: Running post patch callbacks9Running post patch callbacks[Exception while running a post patch callback+ModuleManagerPostLoadYPost run call threw an exception in loading () : %Post patch ran in can't be blank patch y AiGTTҤ      I a q  P  q iTqT  qX             Y  !        !!Y aaa  uu i}p"pYt\ <h\Y p)\ 1         9TT 9 =}        E     pp p   Aqq    I      U qqq          a 4qppqYYYpqp qp' pimpp |Pi L LL   mi    P e i q     } y           2"qpp PN5qpp  |yY LL  yTy   -      y   0] ] ]  0     ]]] 0 4   q       aaa        a    4q      ! !        3 Y    Tq)Yqq  )q Raa1qYY1qY  a 1 11  a a q 0 q      -Y-Y  LL EpqTTpEpqYq MY-qqX Q  QX !%    -  ea mqY Yaa a a a q u 9 L             } `ppY p  pppY  `ppY   @2qq   X   q  q  X q  e imiimi imi imi       $L  PP P P P P  T }} \\X \   h lll l  E`  ` U U Y Y M] ]]  ] e      m q      }    "   l                ll l        $  y       % % %    Y 0 U U Y YUXYXaa\z\V4PHYSICSGLOBALSTechTree!HH:mm:ss.fff@?7^wX=,2  Ty} y$4p0L <X Q QX] Y|}TDe X   llu dT x   p \ ]  (8qqpp00aa1h Y YX a aq `  0  p p   p P`P`P`P` L`        i  9= 944      P  L   q  pT EpT p <   qT | Y Y q    L q         T  Y Y  l T   D  D Ep        <   e  e     X X    Y Y P    l    p y ]        T a (((4(((((Y((( ( (T((D((e(( (P( (TTWrapNonExceptionThrows ModuleManager ModuleManagerM.NETFramework,Version=v4.7.1TFrameworkDisplayName.NET Framework 4.7.1% ModuleManager.Fix16+d__13+&ModuleManager.MMPatchRunner+d__10<7ModuleManager.ModuleManager+d__26-(ModuleManager.PostPatchLoader+d__160+ModuleManager.PatchList+d__81,ModuleManager.Cats.CatAnimator+d__56\{ a = {a}, ass = {ass} }TType  @3System.Resources.Tools.StronglyTypedResourceBuilder4.0.0.0$lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSet PADPADPٸz C[C[C[~`oBQ1  cat-1 cat-10 cat-11 cat-12` cat-26 cat-3 cat-4 cat-5 cat-6l cat-7B cat-8 cat-9rainbow2! 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