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et_boxget_widthget_heightDragWindowCultureInfoSystem.Globalizationget_InvariantCultureget_IndexUInt32IFormatProviderFileKSP.IOWriteAllTexttypeMapObjectTypecelestialBodymaneuverNodeManeuverNodepatchOrbitreferenceBodyc__AnonStorey1bodyTerrainArgumentExceptionCompareToMeshRendererGetComponentget_enabledInvalidOperationExceptionArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionArgumentNullExceptionDelegatecolorget_colors32set_colors32assignmentscolorsMeshFilterget_meshset_castShadowsset_receiveShadowsGetManifestResourceStreamStreamSystem.IOStreamReaderTextReaderReadToEndset_materialset_verticesget_vertexCountget_IsPentagonAddRangeset_trianglesOptimizeGetVerticesRecalculateBoundsget_layerset_layerget_onec__AnonStorey0Versioningget_version_majorget_version_minorget_RevisionApplicationget_unityVersionFieldInfoMethodInfo<>f__am$cacheD<>f__am$cacheE<>f__am$cacheFArraySortEmptyget_SkinPopupDialogSpawnPopupDialogIntPtrget_SizeEnvironmentget_OSVersionOperatingSystemget_PlatformPlatformIDc__Iterator0__0__1$locvar2$locvar3__2GetFieldBindingFlagsfget_FieldTypeget_DeclaringTypeEmptyTypesGetMethodmMethodBaseget_IsStaticget_ReturnTypeget_AssemblyAssemblyLoaderLoadedAssemblyloadedAssembliesLoadedAssembyListget_assemblyget_urlget_pathPathGetFullPathUriMakeRelativeUriDirectorySeparatorCharUnescapeDataStringCharDeleteGetFileNameEqualsStringComparisonChangeExtensionFileInfoDirectoryInfoGetFilesSearchOptionFileSystemInfoget_FullNameget_LocalPathset_ResourcesIsCellScannedScanCellget_MaxQuantityGetQuantityExtract.cctorget_ResourceDefinitionsloadResourceDefinitionsTryLoadResourceDefinitionm__0ResetGeneratorConfigOnLoadOnSavem__0m__1<>m__0ResetBodyDatacreateGeneratorm__0m__1m__2get_Resourceset_Resourceget_ColorFullset_ColorFullget_ColorEmptyset_ColorEmptyget_Generatorset_GeneratorSetValueloadget_settingsFileAwakeInitializeensureBigEndianset_MaxQuantitym__0get_MinRadiusset_MinRadiusget_MaxRadiusset_MaxRadiusget_MinQuantityset_MinQuantityget_MinVerticesset_MinVerticesget_MaxVerticesset_MaxVerticesget_RadiusVarianceset_RadiusVarianceget_DepositCountset_DepositCountget_NumberOfTriesset_NumberOfTriesForBodygetDeposit<>m__1<>m__2get_Quantityset_Quantityget_InitialQuantityset_InitialQuantityGenerateget_VerticesPointInPolygonRangeOnStartStartStateAddHeatset_IsDetectingset_PowerRatioget_CurrentStateDeployRetractget_ResourceActivityActivateConverterDeactivateConverterActivateConverterActionKSPActionParamDeactivateConverterActionToggleConverterActionGetInfogetRateGroupInfoloadConfigloadRatesm__0m__1m__2m__3m__4m__5m__6m__7m__8m__9m__Am__Bm__Cm__Dget_Rateset_Rateget_Optionalset_OptionalValueTypeSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_CurrentSystem.Collections.IEnumerator.get_CurrentResetSystem.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumeratorSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumeratorget_ScanningSoundset_ScanningSoundEnableDetectionDisableDetectionEnableDetectionActionDisableDetectionActionToggleDetectionActionEnableSoundsDisableSoundsgetTrueAltitudem__0m__1get_IsDetectingget_PowerRationormalizeAnglecartesianToPolarset_CurrentStateUpdatem__0m__1DeployDrillRetractDrillDeployDrillActionRetractDrillActionToggleDrillActiongetCellUndergetBodyResourcesraycastGroundm__1m__2m__3m__4set_NameEnableDisableEnableActionDisableActionToggleActionm__0m__1m__2m__3ConsumeKerbalget_AngularVelocityset_AngularVelocityget_CameraVelocityScaleset_CameraVelocityScaleget_ColorAnimation1set_ColorAnimation1get_ColorAnimation2set_ColorAnimation2get_ColorAnimation3set_ColorAnimation3get_ColorAnimation4set_ColorAnimation4get_ColorAnimation5set_ColorAnimation5get_Dampingset_Dampingget_Emitset_Emitget_EmitterVelocityScaleset_EmitterVelocityScaleget_Forceset_Forceget_LengthScaleset_LengthScaleget_LocalRotationAxisset_LocalRotationAxisget_LocalVelocityset_LocalVelocityget_MaxEmissionset_MaxEmissionget_MaxEnergyset_MaxEnergyget_MaxParticleSizeset_MaxParticleSizeget_MaxSizeset_MaxSizeget_MinEmissionset_MinEmissionget_MinEnergyset_MinEnergyget_MinSizeset_MinSizeget_RandomAngularVelocityset_RandomAngularVelocityget_RandomForceset_RandomForceget_RandomRotationset_RandomRotationget_RandomVelocityset_RandomVelocityget_RenderModeset_RenderModeget_SizeGrowset_SizeGrowget_UseWorldSpaceset_UseWorldSpaceget_VelocityScaleset_VelocityScaleget_WorldRotationAxisset_WorldRotationAxisget_WorldVelocityset_WorldVelocityget_EmitterPositionset_EmitterPositionget_EmitterScaleset_EmitterScaleget_EmitterTransformget_ParticleCountSetupm__0FixedUpdateSetUpAnimationget_AverageOnAssetSetupOnTutorialSetupOnDestroym__0m__1m__2m__3m__4m__5m__6m__7m__8m__9m__Am__Bm__Cm__Dm__Em__Fm__10m__11m__12m__13m__14m__15m__16StartstartMenuOverlaym__0m__1set_Instanceget_SelectedResourceset_SelectedResourceget_ShowOverlayset_ShowOverlayGetCellUnderRefreshCellColorrefreshCellColorsgetCellColorgetDepositColorOnGUImouseWindowcontrolWindowexportgetTargetBodygetHeightRatioMapm__2m__3m__4m__5get_IsVisibleset_IsVisibleSetGridLevelSetHeightMapSetGridLevelAndHeightMapSetRadiusMultiplierSetTargetSetCellColorSetCellColorssetCellColorssetCellColorsetUpComponentsupdateTrianglesupdateVerticesupdateTargetupdateScalem__0GetHeightRatioIsCompatibleIsUnityCompatibleIsWin64IsAllCompatiblegetAllTypesm__0m__1m__2m__3m__4m__5m__6m__7m__8m__9m__Am__Bm__Cm__Dm__Em__FSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.get_CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumeratorKethane-LICENSE.txtAlphaUnlitVertexColored.txtResourcesMaxQuantityResourceDefinitionsCurrentItemColorFullColorEmptyGeneratorsettingsFileMinRadiusMaxRadiusMinQuantityMinVerticesMaxVerticesRadiusVarianceDepositCountNumberOfTriesQuantityInitialQuantityVerticesPowerRatioCurrentStateResourceActivityRateOptionalScanningSoundNameAngularVelocityCameraVelocityScaleColorAnimation1ColorAnimation2ColorAnimation3ColorAnimation4ColorAnimation5DampingEmitEmitterVelocityScaleForceLengthScaleLocalRotationAxisLocalVelocityMaxEnergyMaxParticleSizeMaxSizeMinEnergyMinSizeRandomAngularVelocityRandomForceRandomRotationRandomVelocityRenderModeSizeGrowUseWorldSpaceVelocityScaleWorldRotationAxisWorldVelocityEmitterPositionEmitterScaleEmitterTransformParticleCountAverageInstanceSelectedResourceShowOverlayIsVisibleSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.CurrentSystem.Collections.IEnumerator.CurrentSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator.CurrentAssemblyTitleAttributeAssemblyDescriptionAttributeAssemblyConfigurationAttributeAssemblyCompanyAttributeAssemblyProductAttributeAssemblyCopyrightAttributeAssemblyTrademarkAttributeComVisibleAttributeSystem.Runtime.InteropServicesGuidAttributeAssemblyInformationalVersionAttributeRuntimeCompatibilityAttributemscorlibAssembly-CSharpSystem.CoreKethane.dllGeneratorDataScanMasku[Kethane] Failed to parse {0} scan string, resetting ({1})No deposit hereKethaneResource][Kethane] {0} is an unknown resource, ignoringa[Kethane] Duplicate definition for {0}, ignoringS[Kethane] Loaded {0} resource definitionsc[Kethane] Error loading resource definition: {0}Resource?Kethane deposits loaded ({0}ms)Version=Kethane deposits saved ({0}ms)GeneratorY[Kethane] Defaulting to empty generator for Body Name nameO[Kethane] Could not find generator nameK[Kethane] Error inspecting assembly ' ': k[Kethane] Could not find appropriate constructor for A[Kethane] Could not instantiate : ColorFullColorEmpty3[Kethane] Saving settings5[Kethane] Loading settings;GameData/Kethane/settings.cfgamountsMinRadiusMaxRadiusMinQuantityMaxQuantityMinVerticesMaxVerticesRadiusVarianceDepositCountNumberOfTries SeedDepositI<b>Waste heat production:</b> {0:F1} InputsOutputs)<b><color=#99ff00ff>:</color></b>-- <b>{0}</b>: {1:N2}/s (optional)InputRatesOutputRatiosOutputRates//ActivateConverterAction#ActivateConverter-Activate {0} Converter3DeactivateConverterAction'DeactivateConverter1Deactivate {0} Converter+ToggleConverterAction)Toggle {0} Converter*ScanningSoundMaximum Altitude: {0:N0}m Power Consumption: {1:F2}/s Scanning Period: {2:F2}s Detects: {3}, 3Kethane/Sounds/echo_empty7Kethane/Sounds/echo_depositEnableDetection!DisableDetectionEnableSoundsDisableSounds Active%Insufficient Power IdleOut Of RangeElectricCharge model'Kethane Small MinerMain Box 1 Cyl 2 Cyl 3 Cyl RateDeployDrillRetractDrill7Power Consumption: {0:F2}/sKethane){0} Rate: {1:F2}L/s gas#generatorFan_anim'generatorSlats_anim EnableDisableXenonGasKethane Consumption: {0:F1}L/s Power Generation: {1:F1}/s XenonGas Byproduct: {2:F2}L/sexhaustShaderNameTextureName'Transparent/Diffuse'MeshParticleEmitterCollision+WorldParticleColliderAngularVelocity'CameraVelocityScaleColorAnimation1ColorAnimation2ColorAnimation3ColorAnimation4ColorAnimation5Damping Emit)EmitterVelocityScale ForceLengthScale#LocalRotationAxisLocalVelocityMaxEmissionMaxEnergyMaxParticleSizeMaxSizeMinEmissionMinEnergyMinSize+RandomAngularVelocityRandomForceRandomRotationRandomVelocityRenderModeSizeGrowUseWorldSpaceVelocityScale#WorldRotationAxisWorldVelocityEmitterPositionEmitterScale{0}: {1}Wet MassInstructor_Gene Majiirintroduction3Kethane Scanning Tutorial griddetector sounds colorstimewarpconclusionGKethaneScanningTutorialLock_actionsIKethaneScanningTutorialLock_controls?KethaneScanningTutorialLock_mapIKethaneScanningTutorialLock_timewarpHi there! Today we're going to use satellites to scan for Kethane, a valuable resource found all around the Kerbal system. Kethane can be processed into rocket fuel or burned in special engines, but we'll have to find it first. We'll be controlling a Mun satellite together from here at KSC. It's been equipped with a Kethane survey unit and solar panels for power. Let's get started! NextHere we are in the map view. The cellular grid around the Mun will display resource scan data once we've collected it. You can hide the grid or switch to other resources (if you have other resource mods installed) using the green window. (It might be hidden under this one.) The grid will appear around whatever planet or moon you're focused on, so you can view scan data from anywhere in the system. Take a moment to get comfortable with the grid controls and we'll continue when you're ready.5Now, let's get scanning! There's a Kethane detector mounted on the front of the satellite. Right-click it and click "Activate Detector" to begin scanning.Excellent! The detector has turned toward the surface of the Mun, scanning for underground Kethane deposits. You'll occasionally hear beeping or blipping noises as the detector passes over cells on the grid. A louder tone indicates the presence of Kethane directly underneath the satellite. When you're ready, open the map view and we'll take a look at the results.Now that we're scanning, you can see that some cells on the grid have changed color. Green cells indicate the presence of Kethane, and light gray cells have been scanned but nothing was found underneath. For detailed information, you can hover your mouse over a cell on the grid. When you hover over a resource deposit, the quantity available for mining will also be displayed.Scanning the Mun is going to take a while at this rate. Luckily, we can send our satellite into time warp to finish the job faster. Note that while warping, the detector will lose some data, but overall it will still work faster. Use time warp to get 2% of the Mun scanned. Watch your battery levels as you approach the dark side. Detectors use a lot of power!1Surface Coverage: {0:P2}kNice work! That wraps up our scanning session. Now try building a satellite of your own, or we can move onto using drills to extract Kethane from the ground. Thanks for stopping by! FinishShowInMenu?[Kethane] Couldn't find Kerbin!LoadingBuffer KerbinColorUnknown DebugWindowLeftWindowTopShowOverlayKethane/toolbar3GameData/Kethane/Grid.cfgResource Info Label!Kethane Scan MapCenter:-{0:F1} {1}, {2:F1} {3}SNWE {0}: {0:N1} (none)(no data)%%#Show Grid Overlay-Reveal Unscanned Cells Reset [null] Data-Reset Generator ConfigExport Data (AllScanned)1{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},gbody,resource,cellId,lat,lon,x,y,z,scanned,quantity{0},{1}, true false ,{0},%kethane_export.csv?OverlayRenderer has not startedgridLevelheightMap!radiusMultiplier[Kethane.Resources.AlphaUnlitVertexColored.txt)Body may not be nullEBody doesn't have a PQS controller4.5.2f1{[CompatibilityChecker] Running checker version {0} from '{1}'eWARNING: You are using 64-bit KSP on Windows. This version of KSP is known to cause crashes. It's highly recommended that you use either 32-bit KSP on Windows or switch to Linux. Some) Additionally, some? installed mods may be incompatible with this version of Kerbal Space Program. Features may be broken or disabled. Please check for updates to the listed mods.g[CompatibilityChecker] Incompatible mods detected: k These mods are incompatible with KSP {0}.{1}.{2}:  w[CompatibilityChecker] Incompatible mods (Unity) detected: _ These mods are incompatible with Unity {0}: 5Incompatible Mods DetectedOK)CompatibilityChecker_versionIsCompatible[CompatibilityChecker] Exception while invoking IsCompatible() from '{0}': {1}#IsUnityCompatible[CompatibilityChecker] Exception while invoking IsUnityCompatible() from '{0}': {1}=Incorrect Kethane InstallationKethane has been installed incorrectly and will not function properly. All Kethane files should be located in KSP/GameData/Kethane. Do not move any files from inside the Kethane folder. Incorrect path(s): Kethane/PluginsGameDataPluginsMMI_Kethane.dll%KethaneToolbar.dllKethane.dll-Kethane7Kethane.Kethane-LICENSE.txt-LICENSE.txt7GameData/Kethane/Tutorials/saves/training/ * ^Ft% , (     @  @!H%L)-1\h  !59`!= AEIMQU  Y]a,=a eimquy     a a         ]   =,, =,   = ,=,=,  = , , ,         , ! == =  !!  = =       ( = =   ( (  Item  -u   ) !! --  9  =  = =5 =5 5 =5=5 5 =    5 E  M      a=a =a   = a  a   a  @ !HHD  =H H=) )   - -H)!)  ) S isPersistant m     1MS isPersistantS guiActiveSguiNameCooling EfficiencyS guiFormatP1 9 - y- y } -- --- ----  S isPersistant  xS guiActiveSguiNameActivate ConverterSactiveSexternalToEVAOnlySguiActiveUnfocusedS unfocusedRange?zS guiActiveSguiNameDeactivate ConverterSactiveSexternalToEVAOnlySguiActiveUnfocusedS unfocusedRange?Activate ConverterDeactivate ConverterToggle Converter    hh   h=h ! =h=h=hh hh=h=h  = h=hh=hh hh     h     =hh h = =          T MM    h=h     =  =     wS guiActiveSguiNameActivate DetectorSactiveSexternalToEVAOnlySguiActiveUnfocusedS unfocusedRange?yS guiActiveSguiNameDeactivate DetectorSactiveSexternalToEVAOnlySguiActiveUnfocusedS unfocusedRange?Activate DetectorDeactivate DetectorToggle DetectorvS guiActiveSguiNameEnable Scan ToneSactiveSexternalToEVAOnlySguiActiveUnfocusedS unfocusedRange?wS guiActiveSguiNameDisable Scan ToneSactiveSexternalToEVAOnlySguiActiveUnfocusedS unfocusedRange?2S isPersistantS guiActiveSguiNameStatus! 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