Running GitHub Pull Request trigger check for Jun 29, 2019 2:24:00 AM on sarbian/ModuleManager GitHub rate limit before check: GHRateLimit{remaining=4990, limit=5000, resetDate=Sat Jun 29 03:05:39 CEST 2019} PR [#18 load KSP assemblies from the configured KspDir env var] not changed No matching comments found for 146 Build of pr 146 skipped: Not mergeable. No matching comments found for 134 Build of pr 134 skipped: Not mergeable. No matching comments found for 136 Build of pr 136 skipped: Not mergeable. No matching comments found for 137 Build of pr 137 skipped: Not mergeable. No matching comments found for 139 Build of pr 139 skipped: Not mergeable. No matching comments found for 141 Build of pr 141 skipped: Not mergeable. No matching comments found for 142 Build of pr 142 skipped: Not mergeable. Comment matched to pattern: state has changed (new comment found - 'run test') Comment matched to pattern: matching comment run test Pull Request Opened: state has changed (PR was opened) No matching comments found for 14 Build of pr 14 skipped: Not mergeable. Pull Request Opened: state has changed (PR was opened) No matching comments found for 5