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Using the first copy. Version: uYou have old versions of Module Manager (older than 1.5) or MMSarbianExt. You will need to remove them for Module Manager and the mods using it to work Exit KSP and delete those files :  =Old versions of Module ManagerOK[ModuleManager] Old version of Module Manager present. Stopping1[ModuleManager] version at % lost the electionVersion   5 won the election against )MODULEMANAGER[LOCAL]excludepath: [ModuleManager] will not procces patch in these subdirectories: ccompiling list of loaded mods... Mod DLLs found:   v)Non-DLL mods added: :FOR[SMods by directory (subdirs of GameData): GameData?[ModuleManager] Checking NEEDS. :FIRST:BEFORE[]:AFTER[ :FINAL errors in GameData/ModuleManager: patches applied,  hidden item, found ![ModuleManager] :NEEDS[M[ModuleManager] Deleting Node in file  subnode: = as it can't satisfy its NEEDSc[ModuleManager] Exception while checking needs : [ nameQ[ModuleManager] Deleting value in file: / value:  = O[ModuleManager] Deleting node in file:  (default) pass pass[ModuleManager] Skipping a patch with unbalanced square brackets or a space (replace them with a '?') : :HAS[=[ModuleManager] Applying node to ;[ModuleManager] Copying Node into O[ModuleManager] Error while processing the copy needs to have a different name than the parent (use @name = xxx)=[ModuleManager] Deleting Node e[ModuleManager] Exception while processing node : =[ModuleManager] modding values = m[ModuleManager] Cannot parse value modifying command: WUnable to parse number as number. Very odd.q[ModuleManager] Cannot use operators with insert value: s[ModuleManager] Cannot use index with replace (%) value: {[ModuleManager] Cannot use operators with replace (%) value: [ModuleManager] Cannot use wildcards (* or ?) with replace (%) value: : -> [ModuleManager] Cannot use operators with delete (- or !) value: [ModuleManager] Skipping a patch subnode with unbalanced square brackets or a space (replace them with a '?') in : ,*9 cannot wildcard a % node: I Could not find node(s) to modify: ' Applying subnode # Adding subnode g[ModuleManager] Failed to do a regexp replacement: ' : original value="" regexp="" Note - to use regexp, the first char is used to subdivide the string (much like sed) e[ModuleManager] Failed to do a maths replacement: " operator= mod value="" HAS[^\*.*\?.$ LabelModuleManagerReload DatabaseStarting Reload+Dump Database to FileA[ModuleManager] Running tests...MMTEST_EXPECT+[ModuleManager] Test i failed as expecte number of nodes differs expected: found: ] failed as expected output and actual output differ. expected:  Actually got: ?[ModuleManager] tests complete._MMCfgOutput .cfg]Processing Module Manager patch Please Wait...Y([\w\?\*]*)(?:,(-?[0-9]+))?(?:\s([+\-*/^]))?MMSarbianExtReload Step;DB Reload OK with patchCount= errorCount=/ needsUnsatisfiedCount=Assembly:  at location: is not in the expected assembly. Code has been copied and this will cause problems.] version ;] Elected unopposed version= [SaveGameFixer] Multiple copies of current version. Using the first copy. Version: Save Game: ShipsVABSPHSubassembliespersistent.sfsquicksave.sfs .craftCraft file: PARTCraft has mising parts in the VAB, the craft file will be locked.YDelete the craft to get rid of this message.Save file: GAMEFLIGHTSTATE VESSELSave game has vessels with missing parts. These vessels will be deleted on loading the save.The persistence file has been backed up. Note that this will keep occuring every load untileither the save game is loaded and the ships are destroyed, or the missing parts are not missing.Vessel: MODULE part Part: Part "'" has been deleted.5Discarding module backup "A" as exists in the save already.Module "3" has had order changed. =>C" has been restored from backup. MM_RESTORED trueq" is not present in the save and will be reinitialized. MM_REINITIALIZEMM_DYNAMIC false" is present in the part but is no longer available. Saved config to backup, will be restored if you reinstall the mod.RESOURCEEsaves_backup{1}{0:yyyyMMdd-HHmmss}backup.log saves5Version: {0} Location: {1}{ a = , ass =  }`VK`ܞ    ! ) -   1 =AI  M-Q ] mqiqiaaq iaaa aqiqiaaq iqq  a y yqii-qii- ii- qi- i-qi-1qi-1aq i-1qi- qi-q i-qi-iqi-i i-i a - ai i     aa     qi qi  i  a      q aq               ! !      ! !!      !      a   ! !   qq q  !              ! ) i-   1 55 9)%ModuleManager.SaveGameFixeri qi1qi1 i1M!U] Y a a   e  mq q q   -}% aiaiaaiii    $  ( ,     !  ! !!  0   & ! !!!U(! !  !!!!!!!!!!!!           ! 4 !!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! !!!!! 8!!ii i-i 1i- i- ii- i i-    ) y<i- !!! !!!!!!!!!(!!UY!!!!!  !1i i((( ModuleManager BrentTWrapNonExceptionThrows|׾yXn `_CorDllMainmscoree.dll% @0HX4VS_VERSION_INFO?DVarFileInfo$Translation StringFileInfo007f04b0Comments $CompanyName,FileDescription 0FileVersion2.2.1.0HInternalNameModuleManager.2.2.10LegalCopyrightBrent,LegalTrademarksXOriginalFilenameModuleManager.2.2.1.dll$ProductName(ProductVersion 0