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  1. better working error controller (commit: 3010d00) (details)
  2. PI error control (commit: c73a9cc) (details)
  3. Simplify how I was thinking about K states (commit: 9359ed2) (details)
  4. Add exception handling to cleanup (commit: 0c6899f) (details)
  5. Basic minstep/maxstep logic (commit: dd95067) (details)
  6. rearrange the DP5 interpolant (commit: 2cb9292) (details)
  7. Hang state off the IVP object (commit: d277897) (details)
  8. Lot of work (commit: 51e44f9) (details)
Commit 3010d0057c3e8c39e14eacfee2498dafd9b198b7 by lamont
better working error controller

Signed-off-by: Lamont Granquist <>
(commit: 3010d00)
The file was addedMechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/ODE/DormandPrince54.cs
The file was modified MechJebLibTest/Maths/TwoBody/ShepperdTests.cs (diff)
The file was removedMechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/ODE/DormandPrince5.cs
The file was modified MechJebLibTest/Maths/TwoBody/FarnocchiaTests.cs (diff)
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/ODE/AbstractRungeKutta.cs (diff)
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJebLib/PVG/Integrators/VacuumThrustIntegrator.cs (diff)
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJeb2.csproj (diff)
The file was addedMechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/ODE/BogackiShampine32.cs
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Primitives/Vn.cs (diff)
The file was modified MechJebLibTest/Maths/DormandPrinceTests.cs (diff)
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/ODE/AbstractIVP.cs (diff)
Commit c73a9cceb246dc28417e70844d1e4f01d88472a8 by lamont
PI error control

Signed-off-by: Lamont Granquist <>
(commit: c73a9cc)
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/ODE/AbstractRungeKutta.cs (diff)
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/ODE/AbstractIVP.cs (diff)
Commit 9359ed25a27b7da63bf73790bb56c5ed2840e587 by lamont
Simplify how I was thinking about K states

Signed-off-by: Lamont Granquist <>
(commit: 9359ed2)
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/ODE/AbstractIVP.cs (diff)
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/ODE/AbstractRungeKutta.cs (diff)
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/ODE/BogackiShampine32.cs (diff)
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/ODE/DormandPrince54.cs (diff)
Commit 0c6899f8aca68b08e487a29a0591054538e653f4 by lamont
Add exception handling to cleanup

Signed-off-by: Lamont Granquist <>
(commit: 0c6899f)
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/ODE/AbstractIVP.cs (diff)
Commit dd95067b3a6baf7b9233204835028f084ea4ed6b by lamont
Basic minstep/maxstep logic

Signed-off-by: Lamont Granquist <>
(commit: dd95067)
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/ODE/AbstractRungeKutta.cs (diff)
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/ODE/DormandPrince54.cs (diff)
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/ODE/BogackiShampine32.cs (diff)
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/ODE/AbstractIVP.cs (diff)
Commit 2cb92923afc6803831c2d1854501ccdf5cada8ae by lamont
rearrange the DP5 interpolant

Signed-off-by: Lamont Granquist <>
(commit: 2cb9292)
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/ODE/BogackiShampine32.cs (diff)
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/ODE/DormandPrince54.cs (diff)
Commit d277897cf6f90c2e4f2684fce0617f04a4de680e by lamont
Hang state off the IVP object

This reduces the method signatures but is less functional.

I was starting down the road of passing t, tnew, y, ynew and
dy, dynew to half of the callback methods, which starts to
look like litter.

Amazingly this fixes the Shepperd tests which seems to have been
a real bug fixed by the new Habs/_habsNext handling (probably in
better handling of Tnew and the isWithin() comparison when
pulling off the interpolated values?)

Signed-off-by: Lamont Granquist <>
(commit: d277897)
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/ODE/DormandPrince54.cs (diff)
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/ODE/AbstractRungeKutta.cs (diff)
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/ODE/AbstractIVP.cs (diff)
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/ODE/BogackiShampine32.cs (diff)
Commit 51e44f98e09adae0f8287db7f71b6bb0ec46b5de by lamont
Lot of work

- Working BS3 implementation
- Start of event support
- Additional DP5 random testing
- Fixes major interpolant caching/re-use bug
- Adds Bisection method (used by eventing)
- Eventing may or may not work at all right now

Signed-off-by: Lamont Granquist <>
(commit: 51e44f9)
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJebLib/PVG/Integrators/VacuumThrustIntegrator.cs (diff)
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/ODE/AbstractRungeKutta.cs (diff)
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Primitives/HBase.cs (diff)
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/BrentMin.cs (diff)
The file was addedMechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/ODE/BS3.cs
The file was addedMechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/ODE/Event.cs
The file was modified MechJebLibTest/Maths/TwoBody/ShepperdTests.cs (diff)
The file was modified MechJeb2.sln.DotSettings (diff)
The file was removedMechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/ODE/DormandPrince54.cs
The file was addedMechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/ODE/DP5.cs
The file was addedMechJebLibTest/Maths/BisectionTests.cs
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJeb2.csproj (diff)
The file was modified MechJebLibTest/Maths/TwoBody/FarnocchiaTests.cs (diff)
The file was addedMechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/Bisection.cs
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Utils/Statics.cs (diff)
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Primitives/Hn.cs (diff)
The file was addedMechJebLibTest/Maths/BS3Tests.c.cs
The file was removedMechJebLibTest/Maths/DormandPrinceTests.cs
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/ODE/AbstractIVP.cs (diff)
The file was addedMechJebLibTest/Maths/DP5Tests.cs
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/BrentRoot.cs (diff)
The file was modified MechJebLibTest/MechJebLibTest.csproj (diff)
The file was removedMechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/ODE/BogackiShampine32.cs