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  1. Fix stock burn termination and bring back MANEUVER_COT (commit: 64da2d1) (details)
Commit 64da2d1c8abd564010a91db5295ecf27563426fb by lamont
Fix stock burn termination and bring back MANEUVER_COT

Still don't know if MANEUVER_COT works, but it is back.

The expression:

Quaternion.FromToRotation(VesselState.forward, VesselState.thrustForward) * VesselState.forward

Looks a little useless but FromToRotation returns identity when
thrustForward is [0,0,0] which fixes things for the non-thrust case.

More importantly this fixes stock-style burn termination to work
correctly again and it measure the angle to the actual maneuver node
rather than the angle to the frozen inertial direction (which really
shouldn't have worked at all, dunno why it eventually did stop).

Signed-off-by: Lamont Granquist <>
(commit: 64da2d1)
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJebModuleNodeExecutor.cs (diff)