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  1. PVG needs to immediately autostage (commit: 1b37703) (details)
Commit 1b37703681a4b78e9a88e480f69478006d11f7aa by lamont
PVG needs to immediately autostage

- PVG was not immediately staging and was obying autostagePreDelay but
  would never call Stage() again, and we don't want that behavior.

- The autostagePreDelay setting of 0 didn't work to immediately stage.
  Changed things around so that in the same tick that countingDown is
  set to true that it can autostage if the conditions are met and
  changed '>' to '>=' so that zero would match and fire.

Signed-off-by: Lamont Granquist <>
(commit: 1b37703)
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJebModuleGuidanceController.cs (diff)
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJebModuleStagingController.cs (diff)