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#40 (Jan 24, 2019, 8:16:51 PM)

  1. Workaround for 1.6.0 PartDatabase rebuild (commit: 357259d) — unknown / githubweb
  2. v3.1.3 (commit: 716cbd1) — unknown / githubweb
  3. Update NuGet packages where available (commit: b605a73) — joeydwong / githubweb
  4. Accessory projects on .NET 4.7.1 (commit: 2993250) — joeydwong / githubweb
  5. Update NSubstitute to latest (commit: 9a9bd67) — joeydwong / githubweb
  6. Update Xunit (commit: bb85860) — joeydwong / githubweb
  7. Fix Xunit warnings (commit: 0968853) — joeydwong / githubweb
  8. implement stream logger (commit: e03db37) — joeydwong / githubweb
  9. Unnecessary using (commit: 16d88d2) — joeydwong / githubweb
  10. These are already run by MMPatchLoader (commit: 376b71f) — joeydwong / githubweb
  11. Extract post patch (commit: e1a2be8) — joeydwong / githubweb
  12. Operate on a copy of the game database then apply (commit: 48df502) — joeydwong / githubweb
  13. Move path initialization to static initializer (commit: 72f37f1) — joeydwong / githubweb
  14. Make sure cache also uses copy of game db (commit: 122d4bf) — joeydwong / githubweb
  15. Extract paths to their own class (commit: ea7b05a) — joeydwong / githubweb
  16. patch in background (commit: d50fc9e) — joeydwong / githubweb
  17. Remove PurgeUnused (commit: 09b1eff) — joeydwong / githubweb
  18. Put log paths in path repository (commit: 39e4157) — joeydwong / githubweb
  19. Rename file to reflect class name (commit: de6b621) — joeydwong / githubweb
  20. Dump ModuleManager log to main log after patching (commit: 6ed6702) — joeydwong / githubweb
  21. Don't count insert nodes as patches (commit: 1589e07) — joeydwong / githubweb
  22. Only display whole percentages (commit: c2424cb) — joeydwong / githubweb
  23. Add subdir under Logs (commit: aeca335) — joeydwong / githubweb
  24. Replace reloading screen messages with dialog (commit: ed78083) — joeydwong / githubweb
  25. add LogSplitter (commit: 52d8b18) — joeydwong / githubweb
  26. Save patch log and dump when loading from cache (commit: 7145003) — joeydwong / githubweb
  27. Get rid of stream logger's exception logger (commit: ee9073b) — joeydwong / githubweb
  28. Get rid of trailing whitespace (commit: e0c1400) — joeydwong / githubweb
  29. use international date format (commit: 326119b) — joeydwong / githubweb
  30. extract common parts of reading logs from queue to its own class (commit: 072b0d0) — joeydwong / githubweb
  31. v4.0.0 (commit: 166b72c) — sarbian / githubweb

#38 (Nov 25, 2018, 8:33:19 PM)

  1. Implement :LAST[mod] pass (commit: f009336) — joeydwong / githubweb
  2. return iterator rather than array (commit: ea89e1a) — joeydwong / githubweb

#37 (Nov 20, 2018, 3:02:52 AM)

  1. v3.1.1 (commit: 00216d3) — sarbian / githubweb

#35 (Oct 7, 2018, 12:49:00 PM)

  1. Whitespace (commit: 7f84a46) — joeydwong / githubweb
  2. Allow warnings (commit: 7d2507a) — joeydwong / githubweb
  3. Make ArrayEnumerator more versatile (commit: 106581c) — joeydwong / githubweb
  4. Tag, TagList, TagListParser (commit: ee3e340) — joeydwong / githubweb
  5. Restructure patch building (commit: f5127b1) — joeydwong / githubweb
  6. Make extra colons a warning rather than an error (commit: 387ed74) — joeydwong / githubweb

#33 (May 5, 2018, 11:15:01 AM)

  1. Make patch stopwatch local (commit: 5a5b3e7) — joeydwong / githubweb
  2. Make useCache local (commit: bedb00c) — joeydwong / githubweb
  3. Make Patch an object (commit: 5ab92f6) — joeydwong / githubweb
  4. Simplify a bit (commit: a551c2c) — joeydwong / githubweb
  5. Extra semicolon (commit: f96c333) — joeydwong / githubweb
  6. Extract interface for PatchList, modify PatchExtractor (commit: 83288b5) — joeydwong / githubweb
  7. Allow null value in wildcard match (commit: cccdc85) — joeydwong / githubweb
  8. Extract node matcher (commit: 3698d7c) — joeydwong / githubweb
  9. Extract IPatch interface, split up root patches (commit: 5d77647) — joeydwong / githubweb
  10. Fix tests depending on line endings (commit: d331d9e) — joeydwong / githubweb

#32 (Apr 25, 2018, 7:30:26 AM)

  1. Fix value assignment with * indexer (commit: c287441) — joeydwong / githubweb
  2. Reflection fields should be readonly (commit: 0aa64b5) — joeydwong / githubweb
  3. Create special GameData subdirectory (commit: ae2a14f) — joeydwong / githubweb
  4. Allow checking needs against directories (commit: 4a7e3c8) — joeydwong / githubweb
  5. Make patch stopwatch local (commit: 6c73797) — joeydwong / githubweb
  6. Make useCache local (commit: 267c64a) — joeydwong / githubweb

#30 (Mar 25, 2018, 10:58:48 AM)

  1. Make patch stopwatch local (commit: 86b892f) — joeydwong / githubweb
  2. Make useCache local (commit: e7977d1) — joeydwong / githubweb

#29 (Mar 24, 2018, 8:06:06 PM)

  1. Fix NEEDS checking for inner nodes/values (commit: 60171d9) — joeydwong / githubweb
  2. v3.0.1 for KSP 1.3.1 (commit: 58e1ca2) — noreply / githubweb
  3. Allow 0 or many spaces before operator (commit: 0d4d220) — joeydwong / githubweb
  4. Update some packages (commit: b4a2f10) — joeydwong / githubweb
  5. Fix :NEEDS causing nodes to be reodered (commit: 61b1c45) — joeydwong / githubweb
  6. v3.0.2 for KSP 1.3.1 (commit: f70701e) — sarbian / githubweb
  7. Fix for #92 - non-US Linux decimal separator fix (commit: ab2a024) — sarbian / githubweb
  8. v3.0.3 for KSP 1.3.1 (commit: 94e57a9) — sarbian / githubweb
  9. Allow operator-like character in value name (commit: 7f23ad8) — joeydwong / githubweb
  10. v3.0.4 (commit: 7dff915) — noreply / githubweb
  11. Fix :NEEDS clause sometimes not getting removed (commit: 07547be) — joeydwong / githubweb
  12. remove ModuleManager.csproj from .gitignore (commit: 97a1968) — joeydwong / githubweb
  13. Make post build into a shell script, allowing cross-platform (commit: 532581d) — joeydwong / githubweb
  14. v3.0.4 - KSP 1.4 require a recompile (commit: a73b85e) — sarbian / githubweb
  15. v3.0.5 because I am blind (commit: b8476b8) — sarbian / githubweb
  16. Cats trails fix and better text position (commit: 3c4b8c3) — sarbian / githubweb
  17. v3.0.6 (commit: 1d8d97c) — sarbian / githubweb
  18. Fix deprecation (commit: ef917ab) — joeydwong / githubweb
  19. Turn some semi-redundant methods into extensions (commit: 30fd490) — joeydwong / githubweb
  20. Split up prefixing and translating logs for unity (commit: e152f67) — joeydwong / githubweb

#28 (Dec 5, 2017, 9:43:54 PM)

  1. Add a -mm-dump cmd line option and redo the export (commit: bba0efe) — sarbian / githubweb

#27 (Dec 2, 2017, 11:45:50 AM)

  1. v3.0.0 for KSP 1.3.1 (commit: 2caefbd) — sarbian / githubweb

#26 (Nov 12, 2017, 9:41:56 AM)

  1. case should match filename (commit: 73f7b39) — joeydwong / githubweb

#24 (Oct 24, 2017, 12:01:37 AM)

  1. Only convert to array once per pass (commit: 5fe79fd) — joeydwong / githubweb
  2. Make node matching its own method (commit: 20e6192) — joeydwong / githubweb
  3. Loop only applies to edit patches (commit: 244af1a) — joeydwong / githubweb
  4. Don't convert to an array at all (commit: cdeb5f7) — joeydwong / githubweb
  5. Ensure that user gets updates during long passes (commit: 30eeb6f) — joeydwong / githubweb
  6. Without switch, i is valid here (commit: 7e42de5) — joeydwong / githubweb
  7. Ensure time between each check of the log queue (commit: dc1a167) — joeydwong / githubweb
  8. Convert to an array initially (commit: ec5310b) — joeydwong / githubweb
  9. Having an actual array here no longer necessary (commit: 7cc6c51) — joeydwong / githubweb
  10. Apparently Linq slows things down (commit: bd82d53) — joeydwong / githubweb
  11. Improve access of name a bit (commit: ce3893f) — joeydwong / githubweb
  12. Move loop out of loop (commit: 203ad88) — joeydwong / githubweb

#23 (Oct 14, 2017, 9:09:33 AM)

  1. Accidentally removed (commit: 9cf0011) — joeydwong / githubweb
  2. Move tracking number of patches (commit: fde3fbc) — joeydwong / githubweb
  3. Put progress counts in their own object (commit: f09622f) — joeydwong / githubweb
  4. Move exception handling out of FIleSHA (commit: ce43104) — joeydwong / githubweb
  5. Extract FileSHA (commit: 2dc9f91) — joeydwong / githubweb
  6. Fix unassigned variable (commit: 6f26939) — joeydwong / githubweb
  7. Make this extractable (commit: f3352db) — joeydwong / githubweb
  8. Extract GenerateModList (commit: e40426a) — joeydwong / githubweb
  9. Add MessageQueue (commit: 7a2e18d) — joeydwong / githubweb
  10. Add QueueLogger and supporting classes (commit: 7d0c587) — joeydwong / githubweb
  11. Don't keep track of non-root needs unsatisfied (commit: d1975db) — joeydwong / githubweb
  12. Add FatalErrorHandler (commit: 78d4635) — joeydwong / githubweb
  13. Add background task support (commit: 172e2f3) — joeydwong / githubweb
  14. Begin creating Progress namespace (commit: 7f90887) — joeydwong / githubweb
  15. Finish creating Progress namespace (commit: b0f72c2) — joeydwong / githubweb
  16. Unnecessary directives (commit: 3dbfbb1) — joeydwong / githubweb
  17. Add needs test for and/or and capitalization (commit: 92ae91f) — joeydwong / githubweb
  18. Separate out progress counter (commit: 6596b47) — joeydwong / githubweb
  19. Ensure Counter behaves like an int (commit: 9a05e1b) — joeydwong / githubweb
  20. More unnecessary using (commit: 9736800) — joeydwong / githubweb
  21. Add test for ! (not) in :NEEDS (commit: a1af725) — joeydwong / githubweb
  22. More unnecessary using directives (commit: 3a19ff8) — joeydwong / githubweb
  23. Extract application of patches to its own thread (commit: e9c341a) — joeydwong / githubweb
  24. Test and fix PatchProgress.ProgressFraction (commit: b0e02e0) — joeydwong / githubweb
  25. Tweak (commit: ba24af3) — joeydwong / githubweb

#22 (Sep 30, 2017, 11:23:11 AM)

  1. Extract RemoveWS (commit: 180c2ee) — joeydwong / githubweb
  2. Fix logging (commit: 20a8afb) — joeydwong / githubweb
  3. Extract PrettyPrint (commit: 35d89f8) — joeydwong / githubweb
  4. Get rid of unnecesary using directives (commit: b52a80e) — joeydwong / githubweb
  5. Don't run PrePatchInit if cache is being used (commit: 45a4c0c) — joeydwong / githubweb
  6. Eliminate mods instance variable (commit: d397a80) — joeydwong / githubweb
  7. Use method param rather than instance var (commit: 12780a6) — joeydwong / githubweb
  8. Eliminate Update (commit: b6b628c) — joeydwong / githubweb
  9. Eliminate redundant logging (commit: 7a40730) — joeydwong / githubweb
  10. Keep track of progress fraction independently (commit: 7e714a4) — joeydwong / githubweb
  11. Make StatusUpdate less general (commit: 9236be1) — joeydwong / githubweb
  12. Move this (commit: 8696143) — joeydwong / githubweb
  13. Eliminate Progress instance variable (commit: 58d52d9) — joeydwong / githubweb
  14. Make more methods static (commit: 2645d22) — joeydwong / githubweb
  15. This is no longer necessary (commit: 824b077) — joeydwong / githubweb
  16. Move exception handling outside of PrettyConfig (commit: ac0a149) — joeydwong / githubweb
  17. Tweak test (commit: eb18b60) — joeydwong / githubweb
  18. Allow adding a ConfigNode.Value in initializer (commit: 4fdfb89) — joeydwong / githubweb
  19. Extract PrettyConfig (for UrlConfig) (commit: 70eca81) — joeydwong / githubweb
  20. Add one more test (commit: 55308af) — joeydwong / githubweb
  21. Make CheckNeeds static (commit: 1a7d1e3) — joeydwong / githubweb
  22. This can already be static (commit: bc451c5) — joeydwong / githubweb
  23. Remove unnecessary Using (commit: 60cb30a) — joeydwong / githubweb
  24. Improve url and node printing (commit: a035b67) — joeydwong / githubweb
  25. Extract CheckNeeds (commit: 59a9220) — joeydwong / githubweb
  26. Ensure that final string printed to the screen is the actual status (commit: 784e7a8) — joeydwong / githubweb
  27. Fix up mod list logging (commit: 13850b6) — joeydwong / githubweb
  28. Use Path.Combine (commit: cd3a468) — joeydwong / githubweb
  29. Unnecessary now (commit: 901b5a5) — joeydwong / githubweb
  30. Improve assembly list (commit: a5b1547) — joeydwong / githubweb

#21 (Sep 15, 2017, 7:12:39 PM)

  1. Pull Command and ParseCommand out of MMPatchLoader (commit: a9a990d) — joeydwong / githubweb
  2. Extract ShallowCopy (commit: b43f79b) — joeydwong / githubweb
  3. Don't create duplicates in UrlBuilder (commit: 534eee2) — joeydwong / githubweb
  4. Add ArrayEnumerator (commit: 24f2143) — joeydwong / githubweb
  5. PatchList (commit: 7138bbc) — joeydwong / githubweb
  6. Add PatchExtractor (commit: 9a55a65) — joeydwong / githubweb
  7. Add SafeUrl extension method for UrlConfig (commit: 90027c2) — joeydwong / githubweb
  8. Use SafeUrl in logging (commit: 504354d) — joeydwong / githubweb
  9. Remove unused (commit: 331ab18) — joeydwong / githubweb
  10. Log when BEFORE or AFTER patch deleted (commit: 3f8adee) — joeydwong / githubweb
  11. Fix case issues (commit: 50346dc) — joeydwong / githubweb
  12. Extract IsBracketBalanced (commit: 99bc0bf) — joeydwong / githubweb
  13. Remove bracket unbalanced nodes when sorting (commit: e52a646) — joeydwong / githubweb
  14. Unused method (commit: 8a81310) — joeydwong / githubweb
  15. Bring back DeepCopy (commit: 5a468be) — joeydwong / githubweb
  16. Fix bad region (commit: 2e5854d) — joeydwong / githubweb
  17. Make sure badly formed mod passes are an error (commit: 9bd8253) — joeydwong / githubweb
  18. That's a bug (commit: b010243) — joeydwong / githubweb
  19. Add some explanatory comments (commit: cacc840) — joeydwong / githubweb
  20. Unnecessary using directives (commit: c00735d) — joeydwong / githubweb
  21. Use sorted patches when applying (commit: 8d71ac6) — joeydwong / githubweb
  22. Remove now-unnecessary try-catch (commit: aa990db) — joeydwong / githubweb
  23. Replace big if with guard clause (commit: 3ca1801) — joeydwong / githubweb
  24. Simplify this (commit: ec7c67c) — joeydwong / githubweb
  25. Invalid command = error on the patch extractor (commit: 8098313) — joeydwong / githubweb

#20 (Sep 12, 2017, 7:28:35 PM)

  1. move main project to its own directory (commit: 1a12a25) — joeydwong / githubweb
  2. Better output dir for debug (commit: f02f418) — joeydwong / githubweb
  3. Do not copy local (commit: 95362b5) — joeydwong / githubweb
  4. Add test project (commit: c4ba1b9) — joeydwong / githubweb
  5. Add MM, Assembly-CSharp, UnityEngine refs (commit: e8159e1) — joeydwong / githubweb
  6. Add console runner (commit: 563a942) — joeydwong / githubweb
  7. Yo dawg, I heard you like tests (commit: a7f901e) — joeydwong / githubweb
  8. Add TestConfigNode class (commit: be37f18) — joeydwong / githubweb
  9. Reference TestUtils (commit: 278dad8) — joeydwong / githubweb
  10. Don't reference a specific version of System (commit: 66e6612) — joeydwong / githubweb
  11. Add test for ImmutableStack (commit: df9c8ec) — joeydwong / githubweb
  12. Add test for GetPath (commit: 3e71009) — joeydwong / githubweb
  13. Add NSubstitute (commit: 6e8285c) — joeydwong / githubweb
  14. Add tests for ModLogger (commit: 7398d4d) — joeydwong / githubweb
  15. Fix an error (commit: a5a095f) — joeydwong / githubweb
  16. Add UrlBuilder (commit: 564b226) — joeydwong / githubweb
  17. Progress shouldn't depend on deleted subnodes (commit: f190d17) — joeydwong / githubweb
  18. These should use actual URLs (commit: fca9717) — joeydwong / githubweb
  19. These too (commit: 28e4ce7) — joeydwong / githubweb
  20. Minor logging tweak (commit: 8d8463d) — joeydwong / githubweb
  21. Add tests for PatchProgress (commit: d37f58b) — joeydwong / githubweb
  22. Replace DeepCopy with ConfigNode.CreateCopy (commit: ca12c39) — joeydwong / githubweb
  23. Inline out variable declarations (commit: 2b82489) — joeydwong / githubweb
  24. Obey naming conventions (commit: 47ce015) — joeydwong / githubweb

#12 (Sep 1, 2017, 6:55:03 AM)

  1. Simplify null check (commit: 8179c44) — joeydwong / githubweb

#11 (Aug 30, 2017, 8:18:53 AM)

  1. Make deletes and copies count toward patch count (commit: f03b578) — joeydwong / githubweb
  2. Make names more accurate (commit: 51b6f75) — joeydwong / githubweb

#10 (Aug 30, 2017, 8:14:38 AM)

  1. Change debug C# version to default (commit: 1191841) — joeydwong / githubweb
  2. VS, why u do dis? (commit: d2fd007) — joeydwong / githubweb
  3. Add ImmutableStack class (commit: 536ff0c) — joeydwong / githubweb
  4. Add PatchContext struct (commit: abba87e) — joeydwong / githubweb
  5. Use ImmutableStack and PatchContext in MM (commit: 05342e2) — joeydwong / githubweb
  6. Remove unused code (commit: 8685da9) — joeydwong / githubweb
  7. Implement IEnumerable<T> (commit: 038db23) — joeydwong / githubweb
  8. Add Depth property (commit: 946194e) — joeydwong / githubweb
  9. Use immutability in CheckNeeds (commit: 475aa66) — joeydwong / githubweb
  10. Forgot a using directive (commit: 27f788f) — joeydwong / githubweb
  11. Ged rid of Win64 specific code (commit: 04df683) — joeydwong / githubweb
  12. Needs to be included in the project too (commit: 340d113) — joeydwong / githubweb
  13. Add logging interface (commit: b1a8863) — joeydwong / githubweb
  14. Extract progress into its own object (commit: ad61311) — joeydwong / githubweb
  15. Use logger and progress (commit: 76c998c) — joeydwong / githubweb
  16. Remove blocking option (commit: 55fc4e6) — joeydwong / githubweb
  17. Use inline variable declaration (commit: bf640f4) — joeydwong / githubweb
  18. Make log messages consistent (commit: f751ed4) — joeydwong / githubweb

#8 (Aug 10, 2017, 3:21:17 PM)

  1. Begin splitting files up (#76) (commit: e29c9cb) — sarbian / githubweb

#7 (Aug 9, 2017, 11:36:55 PM)

  1. nCats needs more love. (#74) (commit: ceabfeb) — sarbian / githubweb

#6 (Aug 9, 2017, 11:35:05 PM)

  1. v2.4.0 (commit: 5752ef3) — sarbian / githubweb
  2. Add callbacks to be run after MM is finished with the patch. (commit: 5404d70) — sarbian / githubweb
  3. v2.4.1 (commit: f119eee) — sarbian / githubweb
  4. Add some safety for the callback invocation (commit: beb62de) — sarbian / githubweb
  5. v2.4.2 (commit: 6854e6e) — sarbian / githubweb
  6. v2.4.3 - fix a bug with topnode usage & a callback fix I did not push (commit: 94c9b0d) — sarbian / githubweb
  7. Can use & instead of , for HAS check (commit: 7e5b5d1) — sarbian / githubweb
  8. v2.4.4 (commit: 3263df8) — sarbian / githubweb
  9. Allow more than 1 part name for a patch using , or | as a separator (commit: 20d9d75) — sarbian / githubweb
  10. v2.4.5 (commit: 79fd3aa) — sarbian / githubweb
  11. v2.5.0 : KSP 0.25 compat (commit: ac11324) — sarbian / githubweb
  12. Bump to 2.5.1 after a fix to the build script (commit: f50e333) — sarbian / githubweb
  13. Remove reference to SaveGameFixer.cs (commit: 31ba434) — pjf / githubweb
  14. Caching of patch result (commit: d564d65) — sarbian / githubweb
  15. v2.5.2 (commit: ffd5dea) — sarbian / githubweb
  16. v2.5.3 fix a bug with variable search (commit: f1dd93c) — sarbian / githubweb
  17. v2.5.4 : rebuild for 0.90 (commit: 7b14065) — sarbian / githubweb
  18. Fix a bug for value using dot or dash in their name (commit: c508e06) — sarbian / githubweb
  19. v2.5.5 (commit: cc161f6) — sarbian / githubweb
  20. v2.5.6 - fix Sarbian brain. Mostly (commit: ccd6488) — sarbian / githubweb
  21. :wave: :thumbsup: :fish: (commit: 4cfde0f) — sarbian / githubweb
  22. Revert ":wave: :thumbsup: :fish:" (commit: cf05f93) — sarbian / githubweb
  23. v2.5.7 - add & as a valid char for key values. (commit: 77204a1) — sarbian / githubweb
  24. v2.5.8 - Feed the feline (commit: 5614b78) — sarbian / githubweb
  25. Plural ! (commit: 28f8a11) — sarbian / githubweb
  26. Improve KSP loading speed for users with Vsync On. (commit: a001876) — sarbian / githubweb
  27. Speed up the ingame reloading too (commit: d4de238) — sarbian / githubweb
  28. v2.5.9 (commit: 75228b8) — sarbian / githubweb
  29. Fix #26 - Include resource generation in the Makefile (commit: b020933) — sarbian / githubweb
  30. v2.5.10 with debug to catch the ArgumentOutOfRangeException (commit: c485958) — sarbian / githubweb
  31. Fix the NODE,*:HAS[xxxx] reported by NathanKell (commit: a41e31c) — sarbian / githubweb
  32. More exception hunting and poor man debuging (commit: 062f950) — sarbian / githubweb
  33. v2.5.10 (commit: e3e729f) — sarbian / githubweb
  34. Fixed exception when setting values to empty; added corresponding test. (commit: ac8b265) — ozraven / githubweb
  35. More debugging to track the NullReferenceException (commit: 6b19b5e) — sarbian / githubweb
  36. v2.5.12 (commit: 667412b) — sarbian / githubweb
  37. DB Corruption check code kept in case of need (commit: baa9b3a) — sarbian / githubweb
  38. Change for #28 (commit: 124895b) — sarbian / githubweb
  39. Bullet proof PrettyPrint (commit: 045d874) — sarbian / githubweb
  40. Remove debug stuff (commit: 29d1ad7) — sarbian / githubweb
  41. Forgot 2 lines (commit: d9bd646) — sarbian / githubweb
  42. Reformat (commit: 00eddc5) — sarbian / githubweb
  43. < and > for value HAS check ( #mass[<100]  ~mass[>100] ) (commit: 5dd543c) — sarbian / githubweb
  44. # operator for nodes to copy-paste whole nodes (commit: 4781cdf) — sarbian / githubweb
  45. v2.5.13 (commit: 60e326d) — sarbian / githubweb
  46. v2.6.0 - to get CKAN moving (commit: 536d541) — sarbian / githubweb
  47. Remove the vSync trick as it is not stock (commit: 8563a30) — sarbian / githubweb
  48. v2.6.1 for KSP 1.0 (commit: 35da8c9) — sarbian / githubweb
  49. v2.6.2 - TechTree modding (commit: dea8b1f) — sarbian / githubweb
  50. Count the error for math operations (commit: 58bb9ea) — sarbian / githubweb
  51. v2.6.3 Allows the patching of Physics values with a PHYSICSGLOBALS node (commit: 6f7add8) — sarbian / githubweb
  52. Improve the loaded mod listing (commit: b2c9539) — sarbian / githubweb
  53. Do not change the Tech & physic file patch if they are already OK (commit: fef8ea6) — sarbian / githubweb
  54. Make the error messages more consistent (commit: 0528bc1) — sarbian / githubweb
  55. v2.6.4 (commit: 1bc01f1) — sarbian / githubweb
  56. KSP "-nyan-nyan" option detection for the true believers (commit: 957ec9e) — sarbian / githubweb
  57. Clear the partDatabase if the cache is expired (commit: 1e55d69) — sarbian / githubweb
  58. Display the useful log info even if we use the cache (commit: 8c4831f) — sarbian / githubweb
  59. Do not use the cache if the techtree cache is not present (commit: ee11e48) — sarbian / githubweb
  60. Format and cleanup (commit: ac9d308) — sarbian / githubweb
  61. v2.6.5 (commit: 85732a0) — sarbian / githubweb
  62. Add a Quick Reload for ALT F11 menu (skip PartDatabase.cfg generation) (commit: b808509) — sarbian / githubweb
  63. Ignore the cache (and force a PartDatabase.cfg generation) on KSP (commit: c0a37d5) — sarbian / githubweb
  64. v2.6.6 (commit: af68966) — sarbian / githubweb
  65. Log DLLs and KSP exe SHA (commit: 7fb3ca2) — sarbian / githubweb
  66. Obey our new VS 2015 overlord (commit: ca82b51) — sarbian / githubweb
  67. MJ calls ModuleManagerPostLoad methods in other mods on patching end (commit: 94407c7) — sarbian / githubweb
  68. *Press a button by error*. Hum ok, you can replace all var uses (commit: d9534c7) — sarbian / githubweb
  69. v2.6.7 (commit: cf0717c) — sarbian / githubweb
  70. Fix a bug with nested :NEEDS when the top node also used a :NEEDS (commit: 5aa1ef5) — sarbian / githubweb
  71. v2.6.8 (commit: 868eb44) — sarbian / githubweb
  72. Prevents NullReferenceException when saving the cache to pause the (commit: 4e5e45c) — sarbian / githubweb
  73. 30 FPS patching (commit: 2f10023) — sarbian / githubweb
  74. v2.6.9 (commit: ff7ce87) — sarbian / githubweb
  75. Return empty string if a character-separated list has fewer than the (commit: ae9d5ad) — Kerbas-ad-astra / githubweb
  76. Update version so sarbian can merge. (commit: d564533) — Kerbas-ad-astra / githubweb
  77. Added try/catch to FileSHA. (commit: 1577326) — Kerbas-ad-astra / githubweb
  78. AssemblyReloader support (commit: 84fd93c) — diazo / githubweb
  79. Update AssemblyInfo.cs (commit: d94a12b) — diazo / githubweb
  80. undo .csproj changes (commit: da50105) — diazo / githubweb
  81. undo csproj changes (commit: 508befb) — diazo / githubweb
  82. 2nd try (commit: 0217aa0) — diazo / githubweb
  83. 2.6.13 - let's just change the number and pretend all is fine for 1.0.5 (commit: fc5db39) — sarbian / githubweb
  84. Implemented @key,* = something to resolve #37 (commit: ce20e25) — dorianstoll / githubweb
  85. Implemented Vector Editing, using @key,*[0] (commit: 541dee8) — dorianstoll / githubweb
  86. Fixed the Regex (commit: 2918d13) — dorianstoll / githubweb
  87. Bumped AssemblyVersion (commit: c910cd2) — dorianstoll / githubweb
  88. Fix a bug with #34 (commit: 14f095b) — sarbian / githubweb
  89. remove some tabs (commit: 93181c8) — sarbian / githubweb
  90. Comments are nice, let s update them (commit: de23900) — sarbian / githubweb
  91. v2.6.15 (commit: f32b316) — sarbian / githubweb
  92. Added code for !key,* = DEL and fixed group nr. 5 (commit: 37c7595) — dorianstoll / githubweb
  93. Bumped Assembly Version (commit: 24560d1) — dorianstoll / githubweb
  94. Prevents nightingale from trying to breaking some stuff. Fix #44 (commit: c5f00d9) — sarbian / githubweb
  95. Add a warning for KSP build (commit: c075d6a) — sarbian / githubweb
  96. Logging the Exception may be smarter (commit: bf4cdfa) — sarbian / githubweb
  97. Store SHA for each cfg and log added/changed/removed cfg (commit: 200fb3e) — sarbian / githubweb
  98. v2.6.17 (commit: 90c11ea) — sarbian / githubweb
  99. Fix a potential bug with the loading of an edited Physic config from the (commit: 6c01376) — sarbian / githubweb
  100. v2.6.18 (commit: ad08590) — sarbian / githubweb
  101. Update (commit: a52e02a) — Bengt.Lueers / githubweb
  102. Add a special "*MM_PATCH_LOOP" node that when found tries to apply the (commit: b32444a) — sarbian / githubweb
  103. Fix the patch loop id to "MM_PATCH_LOOP" (commit: 1ed76b7) — sarbian / githubweb
  104. Allow for out of node editing of values Like :  *@TEST[Test]/copy -= 1 (commit: d2423e0) — sarbian / githubweb
  105. v2.6.19 (commit: 0fe8432) — sarbian / githubweb
  106. Remove the debug spam of the out of node value edit (commit: 2c45afa) — sarbian / githubweb
  107. Prevents the creation of a cache if there were errors while patching (commit: e8837b6) — sarbian / githubweb
  108. v2.6.20 (commit: 44d5342) — sarbian / githubweb
  109. v2.6.21 - With more KSP 1.1 and less x64 complains (commit: 11bfda6) — sarbian / githubweb
  110. Fix for #50 (commit: 8d0e924) — sarbian / githubweb
  111. v2.6.22 - 1.1 build (commit: d38233a) — sarbian / githubweb
  112. No point of updating the status outside the loading screen (commit: 33e6b05) — sarbian / githubweb
  113. Add & operator: insert only if it doesn't already exist (commit: 15a6347) — blowfishpro / githubweb
  114. Make the game always load in background (commit: 95c333b) — sarbian / githubweb
  115. Fix the insert NODE at position that blowfish found (commit: c8ccaa7) — sarbian / githubweb
  116. Fix nested node constraints only checking the first set (commit: cc7f0a6) — sarbian / githubweb
  117. Test for HAS (commit: c831bc7) — sarbian / githubweb
  118. v2.6.23 (commit: 428dc48) — sarbian / githubweb
  119. 2.6.64 - Rebuild for 1.1.2 (commit: 3fc0f25) — sarbian / githubweb
  120. Fix Exception for variable searching a value that does not exist (commit: ae906d9) — sarbian / githubweb
  121. v2.6.25 (commit: fd843b2) — sarbian / githubweb
  122. Correct spelling error (commit: a848b48) — noreply / githubweb
  123. Getting ready for 1.2 - Better cat and Text (commit: 1e685c8) — sarbian / githubweb
  124. v2.7.0 (commit: ff94385) — sarbian / githubweb
  125. Fix the problem with setting value name that include comma (unless the (commit: 517280b) — sarbian / githubweb
  126. Dispaly how many exception were encountered (commit: aef5577) — sarbian / githubweb
  127. Remove some debug spam (commit: 2f26781) — sarbian / githubweb
  128. Lower garbage by removing implicit allocation in CheckConstraints (commit: 33041dc) — sarbian / githubweb
  129. Disable some warning that I am getting tired of seeing (commit: e7e1a79) — sarbian / githubweb
  130. Prevent garbage generated by debug string that we do not display or (commit: 8cd44cf) — sarbian / githubweb
  131. Prevent cache genration when there are exception and display the files (commit: cb2f5d8) — sarbian / githubweb
  132. Improved feedback on what is going on (commit: d21da62) — sarbian / githubweb
  133. Minor cleanup (commit: 8c062c1) — sarbian / githubweb
  134. v2.7.1 (commit: de3a659) — sarbian / githubweb
  135. V2.7.2 - put back the mods list/SHA log even when the cache is used (commit: 0f8ea05) — sarbian / githubweb
  136. v2.7.3 Fix the regex for @value,* = (commit: 854aacb) — sarbian / githubweb
  137. Fix typos (#63) (commit: 6fcbb62) — sarbian / githubweb
  138. Fix #64 - Targeting all values applied the operation more than it should (commit: 833e09b) — sarbian / githubweb
  139. v2.7.4 (commit: ff4d87f) — sarbian / githubweb
  140. v2.7.5 Reload trait config after the patching (commit: 8f7fa26) — sarbian / githubweb
  141. KSP 1.3 changes (#66) (commit: ca5288b) — sarbian / githubweb
  142. Reload PartUpgrade System after patching (#70) (commit: a3ccdff) — sarbian / githubweb
  143. v2.7.6 (commit: b301cb9) — noreply / githubweb
  144. Temp revert of 1.3 changes to release a 1.2 patch (commit: 29df624) — sarbian / githubweb
  145. Revert "Temp revert of 1.3 changes to release a 1.2 patch" (commit: d61f725) — sarbian / githubweb
  146. v2.8.0 for KSP 1.3 (commit: 851df26) — sarbian / githubweb
  147. Improve some cat related code and add -ncats cmd line option (commit: 9d5797b) — sarbian / githubweb
  148. Improve logging related to some exceptions (commit: e5dce48) — sarbian / githubweb
  149. Update project file (commit: e578500) — sarbian / githubweb
  150. v2.8.1 (commit: 8a097d2) — sarbian / githubweb

#5 (Sep 17, 2014, 7:35:37 PM)

  1. Add a rename command to change the type of a node (commit: 17be046) — sarbian / githubweb
  2. Allow the MM menu on the main menu (commit: 4ca1972) — sarbian / githubweb
  3. More cleanup (commit: e9b443a) — sarbian / githubweb

#4 (Sep 17, 2014, 5:05:46 PM)

  1. Finish the variable search - Reformat the code (commit: c84e59a) — sarbian / githubweb