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  1. Log DLLs and KSP exe SHA (commit: 7fb3ca2) (details)
  2. Obey our new VS 2015 overlord (commit: ca82b51) (details)
  3. MJ calls ModuleManagerPostLoad methods in other mods on patching end (commit: 94407c7) (details)
  4. *Press a button by error*. Hum ok, you can replace all var uses (commit: d9534c7) (details)
  5. v2.6.7 (commit: cf0717c) (details)
The file was modified moduleManager.cs (diff)
Commit ca82b5169d07fa11ace19440688e935f55a2422b by sarbian
Obey our new VS 2015 overlord
(commit: ca82b51)
The file was modified moduleManager.cs (diff)
Commit 94407c728cae0d645c182eb391243aff8dd59cdd by sarbian
MJ calls ModuleManagerPostLoad methods in other mods on patching end
(commit: 94407c7)
The file was modified moduleManager.cs (diff)
Commit d9534c7729914b4ca8d6195359fa237cd7955ba8 by sarbian
*Press a button by error*. Hum ok, you can replace all var uses
(commit: d9534c7)
The file was modified moduleManager.cs (diff)
The file was modified Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs (diff)