The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchExtractor.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/PatchExtractorTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchApplier.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManager/Patch.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchList.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/PatchApplierTest.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/PatchTest.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchExtractor.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchExtractor.cs (diff)
by joeydwong Extract interface for PatchList, modify PatchExtractor PatchExtractor did too much at once, it shouldn't enumerate and extract at the same time (still some work to be done there...). PatchList now has a clearer interface and obscures more of the details - iterating through patches is now handled by it rater than PatchApplier (commit: e941160 ) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchApplier.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/PassTest.cs The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/PatchExtractorTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchExtractor.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/PatchListTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Collections/ArrayEnumerator.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff) The file was added ModuleManager/Pass.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchList.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/PatchApplierTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Patch.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManager/NodeMatcher.cs The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/PatchTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchApplier.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/NodeMatcherTest.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/PatchExtractorTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchExtractor.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchApplier.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Patches/CopyPatchTest.cs The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Patches/EditPatchTest.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Patches/IPatch.cs The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Patches/PatchCompilerTest.cs The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Patches/DeletePatchTest.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Patches/CopyPatch.cs The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/PatchExtractorTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchList.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/PatchListTest.cs (diff) The file was removed ModuleManager/Patch.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Patches/PatchCompiler.cs The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/PatchApplierTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/PassTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Pass.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManager/Patches/DeletePatch.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Patches/EditPatch.cs The file was removed ModuleManagerTests/PatchTest.cs The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/PatchListTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/Patches/PatchCompilerTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/PassTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/NodeMatcherTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Progress/ProgressCounter.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Progress/PatchProgress.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Progress/ProgressCounter.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/Progress/PatchProgressTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Progress/IPatchProgress.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Collections/ArrayEnumerator.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/Collections/ArrayEnumeratorTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was added ModuleManager/Tags/TagListParser.cs The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Tags/TagListTest.cs The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Tags/TagListParserTest.cs The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff) The file was added ModuleManager/Tags/Tag.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Tags/TagList.cs The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Tags/TagTest.cs
by joeydwong Restructure patch building Lots of changes * Parsing/validating patch is now separate code * Less code in the patch extractor (may even be able to go away entirely with some simplifications) * Pass specifier is now an explicit concept * Needs checker is now an object and has a cleaner interface * Some things which were errors before are now just warnings * If there is more than one pass specifier it will take the first one and warn * Syntax for root patch names is much more formal now, this might break some unusual cases that are silently accepted now (commit: 9b79b39 ) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Patches/DeletePatch.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/NeedsCheckerTest.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManager/Patches/ProtoPatch.cs The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/Progress/PatchProgressTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Patches/PatchCompiler.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Patches/PassSpecifiers/AfterPassSpecifierTest.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/Progress/PatchProgress.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/Patches/DeletePatchTest.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Patches/PassSpecifiers/InsertPassSpecifierTest.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchExtractor.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Patches/PassSpecifiers/FirstPassSpecifierTest.cs The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Patches/ProtoPatchBuilderTest.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/Patches/IPatch.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManager/Patches/PassSpecifiers/AfterPassSpecifier.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Patches/PassSpecifiers/FinalPassSpecifier.cs The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/Patches/PatchCompilerTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Patches/CopyPatch.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/PatchExtractorTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Patches/EditPatch.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManager/Patches/PassSpecifiers/FirstPassSpecifier.cs The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/NodeMatcherTest.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Patches/PassSpecifiers/ForPassSpecifierTest.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchList.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/PatchApplierTest.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManager/Patches/PassSpecifiers/BeforePassSpecifier.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Patches/ProtoPatchBuilder.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Patches/PassSpecifiers/ForPassSpecifier.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Patches/PassSpecifiers/LegacyPassSpecifier.cs The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/PatchListTest.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Patches/PassSpecifiers/LegacyPassSpecifierTest.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Patches/PassSpecifiers/InsertPassSpecifier.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/NeedsChecker.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/NodeMatcher.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Patches/PassSpecifiers/BeforePassSpecifierTest.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Patches/PassSpecifiers/IPassSpecifier.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/Patches/CopyPatchTest.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Patches/PassSpecifiers/FinalPassSpecifierTest.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchApplier.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Progress/IPatchProgress.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/Patches/EditPatchTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/Tags/TagListParserTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Tags/TagListParser.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchExtractor.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/PatchExtractorTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs (diff)