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  1. version (commit: 90fa3a0) (details)
  2. Unused files (commit: fa7d344) (details)
  3. Change to standard KSPAddon (commit: 4fb34d8) (details)
  4. New color for green ground tracks (commit: 6f384f5) (details)
  5. Map terminator toggle (commit: df7594f) (details)
  6. Map terminator; fix vessel lock; switch canvas; fix resource selection (commit: 336ee98) (details)
  7. Map terminator; switch canvas; fix resource selection; fix errors (commit: d8b8012) (details)
  8. Adjust closing popups and dropdowns (commit: 39cd2b5) (details)
  9. Log loading progress (commit: c0e391a) (details)
  10. Switch canvas (commit: 70c098b) (details)
  11. Access level (commit: 46f4fdb) (details)
  12. Remove unused settings; prevent duplicate copies (commit: cc03355) (details)
  13. Map terminator (commit: 2968de8) (details)
  14. Write color config file if none found (commit: 7649628) (details)
  15. Logging format (commit: 5f53c51) (details)
  16. Remove some log spam (commit: 6475d92) (details)
  17. Improve map data resets and fills (commit: 38f8636) (details)
  18. Change to how window clicks are handled (commit: b2e4092) (details)
  19. More tooltips (commit: db4f9f7) (details)
  20. Allow for changes to drop down element text size (commit: 43980f4) (details)
  21. Map terminator; fix resource selection (commit: e79f34b) (details)
  22. Try to fix errant sprite (commit: 8a02691) (details)
  23. Format (commit: 2296f2c) (details)
  24. Map terminator persistance; remove log spam; remove UI elements; use (commit: 048bb1d) (details)
  25. Updated asset bundle (commit: 3e5347e) (details)
  26. New icon (commit: b15ae10) (details)
  27. Prefab updates (commit: 117bfd2) (details)
  28. Update settings file (commit: 84a6448) (details)
The file was modified SCANmechjeb/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs (diff)
The file was modified SCANsat.Unity/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs (diff)
The file was modified SCANassets/SCANsat.version (diff)
The file was modified SCANsat/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs (diff)
The file was modified SCANsat/SCANsat.csproj (diff)
The file was removedSCANsat/SCAN_Platform/SCAN_KSPAddonImproved.cs
Commit 4fb34d811cde560a8658478c2cafa301fe4bb8eb by dmagic
Change to standard KSPAddon
(commit: 4fb34d8)
The file was modified SCANsat/SCAN_Toolbar/SCANtoolbar.cs (diff)
Commit 6f384f5010a8cd57f34c4232d7309a45dc9f95d0 by dmagic
New color for green ground tracks
(commit: 6f384f5)
The file was modified SCANsat/SCAN_UI/UI_Framework/SCANpalette.cs (diff)
The file was modified SCANsat.Unity/Interfaces/ISCAN_MainMap.cs (diff)
The file was modified SCANsat/SCAN_Unity/SCAN_UI_MainMap.cs (diff)
The file was modified SCANsat.Unity/Interfaces/ISCAN_ZoomMap.cs (diff)
The file was modified SCANsat.Unity/Unity/SCAN_MainMap.cs (diff)
The file was modified SCANsat.Unity/Interfaces/ISCAN_BigMap.cs (diff)
Commit 336ee98817df30b817bde3b7bba7737ff6c7bb31 by dmagic
Map terminator; fix vessel lock; switch canvas; fix resource selection
(commit: 336ee98)
The file was modified SCANsat/SCAN_Unity/SCAN_UI_ZoomMap.cs (diff)
Commit d8b80129f48cd97f8708e612620a0b12a49d7f25 by dmagic
Map terminator; switch canvas; fix resource selection; fix errors
preventing window from closing
(commit: d8b8012)
The file was modified SCANsat/SCAN_Unity/SCAN_UI_BigMap.cs (diff)
Commit 39cd2b5f3bdfb08742a21d864b948867363df70b by dmagic
Adjust closing popups and dropdowns
(commit: 39cd2b5)
The file was modified SCANsat.Unity/Unity/SCAN_SettingsResource.cs (diff)
The file was modified SCANsat.Unity/Unity/SCAN_ColorAltimetry.cs (diff)
The file was modified SCANsat.Unity/Unity/SCAN_ColorResource.cs (diff)
The file was modified SCANsat/SCAN_Unity/SCAN_UI_Loader.cs (diff)
The file was modified SCANsat/SCAN_Unity/SCAN_UI_Instruments.cs (diff)
The file was modified SCANsat/SCAN_Unity/SCAN_UI_Overlay.cs (diff)
The file was modified SCANsat/SCAN_Toolbar/SCANappLauncher.cs (diff)
Commit cc03355a1c5dd319c63607d61c7b06505a417192 by dmagic
Remove unused settings; prevent duplicate copies
(commit: cc03355)
The file was modified SCANsat/SCAN_Settings_Config.cs (diff)
The file was modified SCANsat/SCAN_Map/SCANmap.cs (diff)
Commit 76496288ba84cd969c69b7e0db60226f2715d779 by dmagic
Write color config file if none found
(commit: 7649628)
The file was modified SCANsat/SCAN_Color_Config.cs (diff)
The file was modified SCANsat/SCANmainMenuLoader.cs (diff)
The file was modified SCANsat/SCANconfigLoader.cs (diff)
Commit 38f8636ea70bcc7ef762aa4ca5dde636e74105ae by dmagic
Improve map data resets and fills
(commit: 38f8636)
The file was modified SCANsat/SCAN_Unity/SCAN_UI_Settings.cs (diff)
The file was modified SCANsat/SCAN_Data/SCANdata.cs (diff)
The file was modified SCANsat.Unity/Unity/SCAN_SettingsData.cs (diff)
The file was modified SCANsat.Unity/Interfaces/ISCAN_Settings.cs (diff)
Commit b2e409275224a8e84fbac2f1624fe223db125761 by dmagic
Change to how window clicks are handled
(commit: b2e4092)
The file was modified SCANsat.Unity/Unity/SCAN_Settings.cs (diff)
The file was modified SCANsat/SCAN_UI/UI_Framework/SCANlanguagePack.cs (diff)
The file was modified SCANassets/Resources/SCANlocalization.cfg (diff)
Commit 43980f41d8c0524641db56585559dd54219be141 by dmagic
Allow for changes to drop down element text size
(commit: 43980f4)
The file was modified SCANsat.Unity/Unity/SCAN_DropDownElement.cs (diff)
The file was modified SCANsat.Unity/Unity/SCAN_DropDown.cs (diff)
Commit e79f34bd4dd1c7f70bb8fd8e30961bdd09d8d397 by dmagic
Map terminator; fix resource selection
(commit: e79f34b)
The file was modified SCANsat.Unity/Unity/SCAN_ZoomMap.cs (diff)
The file was modified SCANsat.Unity/Unity/SCAN_BigMap.cs (diff)
The file was modified SCANsat.Unity/SCAN_Toggle.cs (diff)
The file was modified SCANsat/SCAN_UI/UI_Framework/SCAN_Localization.cs (diff)
Commit 048bb1d68abcb5ca47bd486dcee96fc52a8ad5fd by dmagic
Map terminator persistance; remove log spam; remove UI elements; use
more transparent ground track color
(commit: 048bb1d)
The file was modified SCANsat/SCANcontroller.cs (diff)
The file was modified SCANassets/Resources/scan_prefabs.scan (diff)
The file was addedUnity/SCANsat/Assets/Images/SCAN_TerminatorIcon.png
The file was addedUnity/SCANsat/Assets/Images/SCAN_TerminatorIcon.png.meta
The file was modified Unity/SCANsat/Assets/Prefabs/SCAN_ZoomMap.prefab (diff)
The file was modified Unity/SCANsat/Assets/Prefabs/SCAN_BigMap.prefab (diff)
The file was modified Unity/SCANsat/Assets/Prefabs/SCAN_MainMap.prefab (diff)
The file was modified Unity/SCANsat/Assets/Plugins/SCANsat.Unity.dll (diff)
The file was modified Unity/SCANsat/Assets/Prefabs/SCAN_General.prefab (diff)
The file was modified Unity/SCANsat/Assets/SCANsat.unity (diff)
The file was modified Unity/SCANsat/Assets/Prefabs/SCAN_DropDown.prefab (diff)
The file was modified Unity/SCANsat/Assets/Prefabs/SCAN_Instruments.prefab (diff)
The file was modified Unity/SCANsat/Assets/Prefabs/SCAN_Data.prefab (diff)
The file was modified Unity/SCANsat/Assets/Prefabs/SCAN_DropDownElement.prefab (diff)
The file was modified Unity/SCANsat/Assets/XML/scan_prefabs_bundle.xml (diff)
The file was modified SCANassets/PluginData/Settings.cfg (diff)