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  1. Remove the debug spam of the out of node value edit (commit: 2c45afa) (details)
  2. Prevents the creation of a cache if there were errors while patching (commit: e8837b6) (details)
  3. v2.6.20 (commit: 44d5342) (details)
Commit 2c45afacc58e04df6bef80ff012f7be33c16fee5 by sarbian
Remove the debug spam of the out of node value edit
(commit: 2c45afa)
The file was modified moduleManager.cs (diff)
Commit e8837b6d5809f18719539aa9d522f02ca046a80a by sarbian
Prevents the creation of a cache if there were errors while patching
(commit: e8837b6)
The file was modified moduleManager.cs (diff)
The file was modified Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs (diff)