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  1. Fix a problem where coast time doesn't count down (commit: 5f213f6) (details)
Commit 5f213f66a33c80eb4d1b91abd20b1e70de40c282 by mrev1995
Fix a problem where coast time doesn't count down

When 'Coast after' is checked, the kspStage inside the loop is one past
the vessel's current stage. Similarly, if autostaging hasn't staged to
the point where the vessel's current stage is the coast stage, then this
check will also fail. In either case the coast time will not tick

If we are coasting, then the timers should always be ticking down,
whatever the current stage happens to be. Therefore, the
Vessel.currentStage check is unnecessary.
(commit: 5f213f6)
The file was modified MechJeb2/MechJebModulePVGGlueBall.cs (diff)