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  1. Pull Command and ParseCommand out of MMPatchLoader (commit: a9a990d) (details)
  2. Extract ShallowCopy (commit: b43f79b) (details)
  3. Don't create duplicates in UrlBuilder (commit: 534eee2) (details)
  4. Add ArrayEnumerator (commit: 24f2143) (details)
  5. PatchList (commit: 7138bbc) (details)
  6. Add PatchExtractor (commit: 9a55a65) (details)
  7. Add SafeUrl extension method for UrlConfig (commit: 90027c2) (details)
  8. Use SafeUrl in logging (commit: 504354d) (details)
  9. Remove unused (commit: 331ab18) (details)
  10. Log when BEFORE or AFTER patch deleted (commit: 3f8adee) (details)
  11. Fix case issues (commit: 50346dc) (details)
  12. Extract IsBracketBalanced (commit: 99bc0bf) (details)
  13. Remove bracket unbalanced nodes when sorting (commit: e52a646) (details)
  14. Unused method (commit: 8a81310) (details)
  15. Bring back DeepCopy (commit: 5a468be) (details)
  16. Fix bad region (commit: 2e5854d) (details)
  17. Make sure badly formed mod passes are an error (commit: 9bd8253) (details)
  18. That's a bug (commit: b010243) (details)
  19. Add some explanatory comments (commit: cacc840) (details)
  20. Unnecessary using directives (commit: c00735d) (details)
  21. Use sorted patches when applying (commit: 8d71ac6) (details)
  22. Remove now-unnecessary try-catch (commit: aa990db) (details)
  23. Replace big if with guard clause (commit: 3ca1801) (details)
  24. Simplify this (commit: ec7c67c) (details)
  25. Invalid command = error on the patch extractor (commit: 8098313) (details)
Commit a9a990d7f119d0d2d30f50f85a10d8398d27c2b1 by joeydwong
Pull Command and ParseCommand out of MMPatchLoader
Would be nice if enums allowed static methods
(commit: a9a990d)
The file was addedModuleManager/CommandParser.cs
The file was modified ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff)
The file was modified ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff)
The file was modified ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff)
The file was addedModuleManagerTests/CommandParserTest.cs
The file was addedModuleManager/Command.cs
Commit b43f79b20c2759797aa1ad6323331d3e5e834b85 by joeydwong
Extract ShallowCopy
"this" is the node you're copying to so that the extension method is
only modifying "its" node
(commit: b43f79b)
The file was modified ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff)
The file was modified ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff)
The file was addedModuleManager/Extensions/ConfigNodeExtensions.cs
The file was modified ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff)
The file was addedModuleManagerTests/Extensions/ConfigNodeExtensionsTest.cs
Commit 534eee2d6cc93d7e3bf6a8899e201f674c957cb2 by joeydwong
Don't create duplicates in UrlBuilder
(commit: 534eee2)
The file was modified TestUtils/URLBuilder.cs (diff)
The file was modified TestUtilsTests/UrlBuilderTest.cs (diff)
Commit 24f21435b3efc6e0064de654a679ec8d5afba2d3 by joeydwong
Add ArrayEnumerator
Enumerates arrays in a garbage-free way
(commit: 24f2143)
The file was addedModuleManagerTests/Collections/ArrayEnumeratorTest.cs
The file was modified ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff)
The file was addedModuleManager/Collections/ArrayEnumerator.cs
The file was modified ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff)
Commit 7138bbca48c127dda038d199b1518a0dfc84a0a5 by joeydwong
list of patches, 'nuff said
(commit: 7138bbc)
The file was modified ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff)
The file was addedModuleManager/PatchList.cs
The file was modified ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff)
The file was addedModuleManagerTests/PatchListTest.cs
Commit 9a55a65987f83afbc0d2df67b0c1e4c8d80a47e6 by joeydwong
Add PatchExtractor
Extracts patches from the game database and sorts them
(commit: 9a55a65)
The file was modified ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff)
The file was addedModuleManagerTests/PatchExtractorTest.cs
The file was modified ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff)
The file was addedModuleManager/PatchExtractor.cs
Commit 90027c2abade9c7f035948bcfed4e6cddbc32e7e by joeydwong
Add SafeUrl extension method for UrlConfig
Makes sure logging doesn't mess up, and fixes the weird quirk where a
node with a name value ends up displaying that instead of its actual
(commit: 90027c2)
The file was addedModuleManagerTests/Extensions/UrlConfigExtensionsTest.cs
The file was modified ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff)
The file was addedModuleManager/Extensions/UrlConfigExtensions.cs
The file was modified ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff)
The file was modified ModuleManager/PatchExtractor.cs (diff)
The file was modified ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff)
The file was modified ModuleManager/PatchProgress.cs (diff)
Commit 331ab180365a6e243f4d2f192197b762a6820ba0 by joeydwong
Remove unused
Doesn't really have any benefit
(commit: 331ab18)
The file was modified ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff)
Commit 3f8adeeb9ca45e6afd879602d8bf5176ba6f7a65 by joeydwong
Log when BEFORE or AFTER patch deleted
This is pretty much equivalent to unsatisfied NEEDS, so it should be
noted as such.  Also log on an unsatisfied FOR, although this shouldn't
happen (make it a warning)
(commit: 3f8adee)
The file was modified ModuleManager/PatchExtractor.cs (diff)
The file was modified ModuleManagerTests/PatchProgressTest.cs (diff)
The file was modified ModuleManager/PatchProgress.cs (diff)
The file was modified ModuleManagerTests/PatchExtractorTest.cs (diff)
The file was modified ModuleManager/IPatchProgress.cs (diff)
Commit 50346dc2f17ca43b5d47132e636df295ae95a992 by joeydwong
Fix case issues
Mods may not be lowercase to begin with, need to handle this
(commit: 50346dc)
The file was modified ModuleManager/PatchList.cs (diff)
The file was modified ModuleManagerTests/PatchListTest.cs (diff)
The file was addedModuleManagerTests/Extensions/StringExtensionsTest.cs
The file was modified ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff)
The file was modified ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff)
The file was addedModuleManager/Extensions/StringExtensions.cs
The file was modified ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff)
Commit e52a646ba73fb0639218d779508e7f110aaa1a3f by joeydwong
Remove bracket unbalanced nodes when sorting
(commit: e52a646)
The file was modified ModuleManagerTests/PatchExtractorTest.cs (diff)
The file was modified ModuleManager/PatchExtractor.cs (diff)
The file was modified ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff)
Commit 5a468bea8d010631895e3e7bdbf40a5682748b13 by joeydwong
Bring back DeepCopy
Apparently KSP's default implementation fails on badly formed nodes
(commit: 5a468be)
The file was modified ModuleManager/Extensions/ConfigNodeExtensions.cs (diff)
The file was modified ModuleManagerTests/Extensions/ConfigNodeExtensionsTest.cs (diff)
The file was modified ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff)
The file was modified ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff)
Commit 9bd8253f26f0aaf03891cbef10d5a3c27de3ec6d by joeydwong
Make sure badly formed mod passes are an error
(commit: 9bd8253)
The file was modified ModuleManagerTests/PatchExtractorTest.cs (diff)
The file was modified ModuleManager/PatchExtractor.cs (diff)
The file was modified ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff)
Commit cacc840da0d34307ef18796288eaafb30d2f3229 by joeydwong
Add some explanatory comments
(commit: cacc840)
The file was modified ModuleManager/Extensions/ConfigNodeExtensions.cs (diff)
The file was modified ModuleManager/PatchExtractor.cs (diff)
Commit c00735d7f3322aba14159706f996e7c45bc13dff by joeydwong
Unnecessary using directives
(commit: c00735d)
The file was modified ModuleManager/PatchExtractor.cs (diff)
The file was modified ModuleManagerTests/Extensions/ConfigNodeExtensionsTest.cs (diff)
The file was modified ModuleManager/Extensions/ConfigNodeExtensions.cs (diff)
Commit 8d71ac691054fcc9e1fa236d4debbb2687be4632 by joeydwong
Use sorted patches when applying
Improves performance somewhat
Verified that sorting patches takes almost no time even for a fairly
large number of patches
(commit: 8d71ac6)
The file was modified ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff)
Commit aa990db608166c83fd2fdbf9cd62fdba40788ff8 by joeydwong
Remove now-unnecessary try-catch
There's already one around it and we no longer care about removing
patches from the database at this stage
(commit: aa990db)
The file was modified ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff)
Commit 3ca180142d1cc787cf92ceae683b64cbab04c964 by joeydwong
Replace big if with guard clause
Reduces indentation.  Insert nodes shouldn't exist here anyway
(commit: 3ca1801)
The file was modified ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff)
Commit ec7c67cea50bc2b67ceadeac9b57ae3284816a24 by joeydwong
Simplify this
It no longer has to look in actual passes here, so we can just use the
name we want it to display.
It does change the way it displays in the loading screen but that seems
(commit: ec7c67c)
The file was modified ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff)
Commit 809831304b89671c1abf746c91f5d166dd5a1a86 by joeydwong
Invalid command = error on the patch extractor
This seems like the right place to check it
(commit: 8098313)
The file was modified ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff)
The file was modified ModuleManagerTests/PatchExtractorTest.cs (diff)
The file was modified ModuleManager/PatchExtractor.cs (diff)