The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/FuelFlowSimulation/SimVesselBuilder.cs |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/SuicideBuilder.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJebLibTest/Structs/M3Tests.cs (diff) |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/FuelFlowSimulation/PartModules/SimProceduralFairingDecoupler.cs |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Simulations/SimResource.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/Maneuver/OperationSemiMajor.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJebLibTest/Structs/Q3Tests.cs (diff) |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/FunctionImpls/RealDeltaVToChangeApoapsisPrograde.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Utils/BackgroundJob.cs (diff) |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/FuelFlowSimulation/PartModules/SimModuleEngines.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/OrbitExtensions.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Control/PIDLoop.cs (diff) |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/ODE/AbstractRungeKutta.cs |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Simulations/DecouplingAnalyzer.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJebLibTest/ManeuversTests/ChangeOrbitalElementTests.cs (diff) |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Simulations/SimVesselManager.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebModuleStageStats.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJebLibTest/PVGTests/AscentTests/BuggyTests.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebLib/PVG/Ascent.cs (diff) |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/BrentMin.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebLib/PVG/Phase.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebModuleTranslatron.cs (diff) |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/ODE/BS3.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebModuleCustomInfoWindow.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebLib/PVG/Integrators/VacuumThrustIntegrator.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/Maneuver/OperationPeriapsis.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJeb2.csproj (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebLib/PVG/Terminal/Kepler5Reduced.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebModuleRCSBalancer.cs (diff) |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/Maths.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebLib/PVG/Solution.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Primitives/H3.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJebLibTest/ManeuversTests/TwoImpulseTransferTests.cs (diff) |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Statics.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Maneuvers/ChangeOrbitalElement.cs (diff) |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/FuelFlowSimulation/PartModules/SimModuleDecouple.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/GLUtils.cs (diff) |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/FuelFlowSimulation/SimPart.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebLib/PVG/Integrators/VacuumCoastAnalytic.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJebLibTest/MathsTests/TwoBody/ShepperdTests.cs (diff) |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Minimization/BrentMin.cs |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Simulations/PartModules/SimModuleDockingNode.cs |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/ODE/DP5.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJebLibTest/MathsTests/TwoBody/FarnocchiaTests.cs (diff) |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/Lambert/Gooding.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJebLibTest/ManeuversTests/ReturnFromMoonTests.cs (diff) |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/FuelFlowSimulation/SimVesselManager.cs |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/FuelFlowSimulation/FuelFlowSimulation.cs |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Simulations/SimVesselUpdater.cs |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/ODE/BS3.cs |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/FuelFlowSimulation/SimResource.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebModuleLandingGuidance.cs (diff) |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/FuelFlowSimulation/SimVesselUpdater.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Utils/Check.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebLib/PVG/Terminal/FlightPathAngle4Energy.cs (diff) |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/FuelFlowSimulation/SimVessel.cs |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/FunctionImpls/RealSingleImpulseHyperbolicBurn.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebModuleNodeExecutor.cs (diff) |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/ODE/AbstractIVP.cs |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/SuicideBurnSimulation/SuicideBuilder.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Primitives/Hn.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Primitives/Vn.cs (diff) |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/ODE/Event.cs |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Functions/Maneuvers.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebLib/PVG/AscentBuilder.cs (diff) |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/Functions/Interpolants.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebLib/PVG/Terminal/FlightPathAngle3Energy.cs (diff) |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/Lambert/Izzo.cs |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Simulations/PartModules/SimModuleDecouple.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJebLibTest/MathsTests/BrentRootTests.cs (diff) |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Rootfinding/BrentRoot.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJebLibTest/ManeuversTests/Simple.cs (diff) |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/TwoBody/Farnocchia.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJebLibTest/PVGTests/Integrators/VacuumCoastAnalyticTests.cs (diff) |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/FunctionImpls/RealSingleImpulseHyperbolicBurn.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebModuleStagingController.cs (diff) |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/FuelFlowSimulation/FuelStats.cs |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/FuelFlowSimulation/SimPropellant.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebModuleFlightRecorderGraph.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJebLibTest/MathsTests/FunctionsTests.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebModuleAscentPVGSettingsMenu.cs (diff) |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Suicide.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJebLibTest/AssertionExtensions.cs (diff) |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/FunctionImpls/RealDeltaVToChangeApoapsisPrograde.cs |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/FuelFlowSimulation/PartModules/SimModuleDockingNode.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebModuleRendezvousAutopilot.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebModuleGuidanceController.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJebLibTest/PVGTests/AscentTests/Titan2Tests.cs (diff) |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Rootfinding/Bisection.cs |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Lambert/Izzo.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJebLibTest/MathsTests/DP5Tests.cs (diff) |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Functions/Astro.cs |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Functions/Angles.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJebLibTest/MathsTests/BS3Tests.c.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/Maneuver/OperationAdvancedTransfer.cs (diff) |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Simulations/FuelStats.cs |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Simulations/SimPart.cs |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Simulations/SimPropellant.cs |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/FuelFlowSimulation/SimPartModule.cs |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Functions/Interpolants.cs |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/SuicideBurnSimulation/Suicide.cs |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/TwoBody/Shepperd.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebModuleAscentClassicPathMenu.cs (diff) |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Simulations/PartModules/SimProceduralFairingDecoupler.cs |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/ODE/AbstractRungeKutta.cs |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/BrentRoot.cs |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/ODE/Event.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Maneuvers/Simple.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Primitives/Q3.cs (diff) |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/FuelFlowSimulation/DecouplingAnalyzer.cs |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/Bisection.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebLib/PVG/Terminal/FlightPathAngle4Reduced.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Primitives/H1.cs (diff) |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/TwoBody/Farnocchia.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/OrbitalManeuverCalculator.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebLib/PVG/Terminal/Kepler4Reduced.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebStageStatsHelper.cs (diff) |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/FuelFlowSimulation/PartModules/SimLaunchClamp.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebModuleSpaceplaneGuidance.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebModuleAscentSettings.cs (diff) |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Simulations/PartModules/SimModuleRCS.cs |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/FuelFlowSimulation/PartModules/SimModuleRCS.cs |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/Functions/Angles.cs |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Utils/Statics.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJebLibTest/PVGTests/AscentTests/TheStandardTests.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/Maneuver/OperationEllipticize.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebLib/PVG/Terminal/Kepler3Reduced.cs (diff) |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Simulations/SimVessel.cs |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Simulations/PartModules/SimModuleEngines.cs |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/ODE/DP5.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJebLibTest/StaticTests.cs (diff) |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Simulations/PartModules/SimLaunchClamp.cs |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/ODE/AbstractIVP.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJebLibTest/MathsTests/BisectionTests.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebModuleSuicideTimer.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebLib/PVG/Terminal/FlightPathAngle5Reduced.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Primitives/Dual.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Maneuvers/TwoImpulseTransfer.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebLib/PVG/Terminal/FlightPathAngle4Propellant.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Primitives/V3.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebModulePVGGlueBall.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJebLibTest/MathsTests/GoodingTests.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/Maneuver/TransferCalculator.cs (diff) |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Simulations/FuelFlowSimulation.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebModuleWaypointWindow.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebLib/PVG/Optimizer.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebModuleAscentMenu.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebModuleInfoItems.cs (diff) |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Simulations/SimVesselBuilder.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebModuleRendezvousGuidance.cs (diff) |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Simulations/SimPartModule.cs |
The file was removed | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Core/Functions/Maneuvers.cs |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Lambert/Gooding.cs |
The file was added | MechJeb2/MechJebLib/TwoBody/Shepperd.cs |
The file was modified
| MechJeb2/MechJebLib/Maneuvers/ReturnFromMoon.cs (diff) |