The file was modified
ModuleManager/Progress/ProgressCounter.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Progress/ProgressCounter.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Progress/IPatchProgress.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/Progress/PatchProgressTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Progress/PatchProgress.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Collections/ArrayEnumerator.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/Collections/ArrayEnumeratorTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Tags/TagListTest.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Tags/TagListParser.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Tags/Tag.cs The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Tags/TagTest.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Tags/TagListParserTest.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Tags/TagList.cs
by joeydwong Restructure patch building Lots of changes * Parsing/validating patch is now separate code * Less code in the patch extractor (may even be able to go away entirely with some simplifications) * Pass specifier is now an explicit concept * Needs checker is now an object and has a cleaner interface * Some things which were errors before are now just warnings * If there is more than one pass specifier it will take the first one and warn * Syntax for root patch names is much more formal now, this might break some unusual cases that are silently accepted now (commit: f5127b1 ) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Patches/IPatch.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/PatchApplierTest.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Patches/PassSpecifiers/InsertPassSpecifierTest.cs The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/NodeMatcherTest.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManager/Patches/PassSpecifiers/IPassSpecifier.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Patches/ProtoPatch.cs The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/NeedsCheckerTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Patches/EditPatch.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Patches/PassSpecifiers/BeforePassSpecifierTest.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/Patches/CopyPatch.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/Patches/DeletePatchTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchExtractor.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Patches/PassSpecifiers/LegacyPassSpecifierTest.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/Progress/IPatchProgress.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManager/Patches/PassSpecifiers/BeforePassSpecifier.cs The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Patches/PassSpecifiers/FinalPassSpecifierTest.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Patches/PassSpecifiers/FirstPassSpecifier.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Patches/PassSpecifiers/FinalPassSpecifier.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Patches/PassSpecifiers/ForPassSpecifier.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/Patches/PatchCompiler.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/Patches/CopyPatchTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/Progress/PatchProgressTest.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Patches/PassSpecifiers/AfterPassSpecifierTest.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/NodeMatcher.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManager/Patches/PassSpecifiers/LegacyPassSpecifier.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/Patches/DeletePatch.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/Patches/PatchCompilerTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/NeedsChecker.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Progress/PatchProgress.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchList.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/PatchExtractorTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManager/Patches/ProtoPatchBuilder.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Patches/PassSpecifiers/AfterPassSpecifier.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Patches/ProtoPatchBuilderTest.cs The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/Patches/EditPatchTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchApplier.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Patches/PassSpecifiers/FirstPassSpecifierTest.cs The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/PatchListTest.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Patches/PassSpecifiers/ForPassSpecifierTest.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Patches/PassSpecifiers/InsertPassSpecifier.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/Tags/TagListParser.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/PatchExtractorTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchExtractor.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/Tags/TagListParserTest.cs (diff)