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  1. Implemented @key,* = something to resolve #37 (commit: ce20e25) (details)
  2. Implemented Vector Editing, using @key,*[0] (commit: 541dee8) (details)
  3. Fixed the Regex (commit: 2918d13) (details)
  4. Bumped AssemblyVersion (commit: c910cd2) (details)
Commit ce20e25c7db604ac36d97b84de99115ba4e85429 by dorianstoll
Implemented @key,* = something to resolve #37
(commit: ce20e25)
The file was modified moduleManager.cs (diff)
Commit 541dee8fef0210ae90e11afddd703ca5831243ff by dorianstoll
Implemented Vector Editing, using @key,*[0]
There are options for editing all keys [*] and specifing a seperator
(defaults to ,): [0, ] (here we use a space as the seperator). Math also
(commit: 541dee8)
The file was modified moduleManager.cs (diff)
The file was modified moduleManager.cs (diff)
The file was modified Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs (diff)