The file was removed | SCANassets/Resources/Contracts/LoRes.cfg |
The file was removed | SCANassets/Resources/Contracts/HiRes.cfg |
The file was removed | SCANassets/Resources/Contracts/Biome.cfg |
The file was removed | SCANassets/Resources/Contracts/M700.cfg |
The file was removed | SCANassets/Resources/Contracts/NarrowBand.cfg |
The file was modified
| SCANassets/Resources/Contracts/ContractPackScanSatOfficial.cfg (diff) |
The file was added | SCANassets/Resources/Contracts/Exceptional.cfg |
The file was added | SCANassets/Resources/Contracts/Significant.cfg |
The file was added | SCANassets/Resources/Contracts/Trivial.cfg |
The file was modified
| SCANassets/SCANsat.version (diff) |
The file was modified
| SCANsat/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| SCANsat.Unity/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| SCANmechjeb/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| SCANsat/SCAN_Unity/SCAN_UI_Settings.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| SCANsat.Unity/Unity/SCAN_Settings.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| SCANsat.Unity/Interfaces/ISCAN_Settings.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| SCANsat/CHANGELOG.txt (diff) |
The file was modified
| SCANsat/SCAN_Unity/SCAN_UI_ZoomMap.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| SCANsat/SCAN_Data/SCANdata.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| SCANsat/SCANcontroller.cs (diff) |
The file was modified
| SCANsat/SCAN_Map/SCANmap.cs (diff) |