by sarbian Begin splitting files up (#76) * rename file most of it is MMPatchLoader so that's what it'll be * Remove corrupt #region It starts in one class and ends in another, I can't tell where it's really supposed to go * Move addon to its own file * Put cats in a box * Can has namespace * Promote business cat to manager * Unnecessary now * Old stuff (commit: e29c9cb ) The file was added Cats/CatMover.cs The file was added Cats/CatOrbiter.cs The file was added Cats/CatManager.cs The file was removed CatAnimator.cs The file was removed moduleManager.cs The file was removed CatOrbiter.cs The file was added MMPatchLoader.cs The file was added ModuleManager.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was added Cats/CatAnimator.cs The file was removed CatMover.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was modified
.gitignore (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was added Collections/ImmutableStack.cs The file was added PatchContext.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was modified
MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was added Extensions/NodeStackExtensions.cs The file was modified
Collections/ImmutableStack.cs (diff) The file was modified
Collections/ImmutableStack.cs (diff) The file was modified
MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was added Logging/IBasicLogger.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was added Logging/ModLogger.cs The file was added IPatchProgress.cs The file was added PatchProgress.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was modified
PatchContext.cs (diff) The file was modified
MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager.cs (diff) The file was modified
MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
PatchProgress.cs (diff) The file was modified
PatchProgress.cs (diff) The file was modified
IPatchProgress.cs (diff) The file was modified
MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
PatchProgress.cs (diff) The file was modified
MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was removed Properties/cat-9.png The file was removed Properties/cat-6.png The file was removed Extensions/NodeStackExtensions.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Cats/CatOrbiter.cs The file was removed ModuleManager.csproj The file was added ModuleManager/Properties/cat-7.png The file was added ModuleManager/packages.config The file was added ModuleManager/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Properties/cat-4.png The file was added ModuleManager/Collections/ImmutableStack.cs The file was removed Properties/cat-7.png The file was added ModuleManager/Extensions/NodeStackExtensions.cs The file was removed Properties/cat-10.png The file was added ModuleManager/Properties/cat-9.png The file was removed Cats/CatAnimator.cs The file was added ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj The file was added ModuleManager/Properties/cat-5.png The file was removed Cats/CatMover.cs The file was removed PatchProgress.cs The file was removed Properties/cat-5.png The file was removed Properties/rainbow2.png The file was added ModuleManager/Properties/rainbow2.png The file was added ModuleManager/PatchContext.cs The file was removed Collections/ImmutableStack.cs The file was added ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Properties/cat-11.png The file was removed CustomConfigsManager.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Properties/cat-3.png The file was removed Cats/CatOrbiter.cs The file was removed Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs The file was removed MMPatchLoader.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Properties/Resources.resx The file was removed Properties/Resources.resx The file was added ModuleManager/Cats/CatManager.cs The file was removed Properties/cat-8.png The file was added ModuleManager/Cats/CatMover.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Properties/cat-6.png The file was added ModuleManager/PatchProgress.cs The file was removed Cats/CatManager.cs The file was removed Properties/cat-1.png The file was added ModuleManager/Cats/CatAnimator.cs The file was removed ModuleManager.cs The file was removed Properties/cat-4.png The file was removed Logging/IBasicLogger.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Logging/ModLogger.cs The file was removed packages.config The file was added ModuleManager/Properties/cat-12.png The file was removed IPatchProgress.cs The file was added ModuleManager/CustomConfigsManager.cs The file was removed Properties/cat-2.png The file was added ModuleManager/Properties/cat-8.png The file was removed Properties/cat-11.png The file was removed PatchContext.cs The file was removed Properties/Resources.Designer.cs The file was added ModuleManager/IPatchProgress.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Properties/cat-2.png The file was removed Properties/cat-12.png The file was added ModuleManager/ModuleManager.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Logging/IBasicLogger.cs The file was removed Properties/cat-3.png The file was removed Logging/ModLogger.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Properties/cat-10.png The file was added ModuleManager/Properties/cat-1.png The file was modified
ModuleManager.sln (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs The file was added ModuleManagerTests/packages.config The file was added ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj The file was added ModuleManagerTests/DummyTest.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager.sln (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/packages.config (diff) The file was added TestUtilsTests/TestUtilsTests.csproj The file was added TestUtils/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs The file was added TestUtils/TestUtils.csproj The file was added TestUtilsTests/packages.config The file was added TestUtilsTests/DummyTest.cs The file was added TestUtilsTests/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager.sln (diff) The file was added TestUtilsTests/TestConfigNodeTest.cs The file was modified
TestUtilsTests/TestUtilsTests.csproj (diff) The file was added TestUtils/TestConfigNode.cs The file was modified
TestUtils/TestUtils.csproj (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Collections/ImmutableStackTest.cs The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Extensions/NodeStackExtensionsTest.cs The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/packages.config (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Logging/ModLoggerTest.cs The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was added TestUtilsTests/UrlBuilderTest.cs The file was modified
TestUtils/TestUtils.csproj (diff) The file was modified
TestUtilsTests/TestUtilsTests.csproj (diff) The file was added TestUtils/URLBuilder.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/IPatchProgress.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchProgress.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchProgress.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/IPatchProgress.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchProgress.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/IPatchProgress.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchProgress.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/PatchProgressTest.cs The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/CustomConfigsManager.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/ModuleManager.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManager/Command.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/CommandParserTest.cs The file was added ModuleManager/CommandParser.cs The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff) The file was added ModuleManager/Extensions/ConfigNodeExtensions.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Extensions/ConfigNodeExtensionsTest.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff) The file was modified
TestUtilsTests/UrlBuilderTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
TestUtils/URLBuilder.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Collections/ArrayEnumeratorTest.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was added ModuleManager/Collections/ArrayEnumerator.cs The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/PatchListTest.cs The file was added ModuleManager/PatchList.cs The file was added ModuleManagerTests/PatchExtractorTest.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was added ModuleManager/PatchExtractor.cs The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff) The file was added ModuleManager/Extensions/UrlConfigExtensions.cs The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Extensions/UrlConfigExtensionsTest.cs The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchExtractor.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchProgress.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/PatchProgressTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/PatchExtractorTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchProgress.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/IPatchProgress.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchExtractor.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchList.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/PatchListTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManager/Extensions/StringExtensions.cs The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Extensions/StringExtensionsTest.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/PatchExtractorTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchExtractor.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Extensions/ConfigNodeExtensions.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/Extensions/ConfigNodeExtensionsTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/PatchExtractorTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchExtractor.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchExtractor.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Extensions/ConfigNodeExtensions.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/Extensions/ConfigNodeExtensionsTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchExtractor.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Extensions/ConfigNodeExtensions.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/PatchExtractorTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchExtractor.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/Extensions/StringExtensionsTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Extensions/StringExtensions.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Extensions/ConfigNodeExtensions.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/Extensions/ConfigNodeExtensionsTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Extensions/UrlConfigExtensions.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/Extensions/UrlConfigExtensionsTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/ModuleManager.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/Extensions/ConfigNodeExtensionsTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
TestUtilsTests/TestConfigNodeTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
TestUtils/TestConfigNode.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/Extensions/ConfigNodeExtensionsTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Extensions/UrlConfigExtensions.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Extensions/ConfigNodeExtensions.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/Extensions/UrlConfigExtensionsTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/Extensions/UrlConfigExtensionsTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Extensions/NodeStackExtensions.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/Extensions/UrlConfigExtensionsTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Extensions/UrlConfigExtensions.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManager/NeedsChecker.cs The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/NeedsCheckerTest.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchExtractor.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/PatchExtractorTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchProgress.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/IPatchProgress.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManager/Utils/FileUtils.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManager/ModListGenerator.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Collections/MessageQueueTest.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Collections/MessageQueue.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Logging/QueueLogger.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Logging/NormalMessageTest.cs The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Logging/QueueLoggerTest.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Logging/ILogMessage.cs The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Logging/ExceptionMessageTest.cs The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff) The file was added ModuleManager/Logging/NormalMessage.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Logging/ExceptionMessage.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchProgress.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/PatchProgressTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was added ModuleManager/FatalErrorHandler.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Threading/TaskStatusTest.cs The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Threading/BackgroundTaskTest.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Threading/BackgroundTask.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Threading/ITaskStatus.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Threading/TaskStatus.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Threading/TaskStatusWrapper.cs The file was removed ModuleManager/IPatchProgress.cs The file was removed ModuleManager/PatchProgress.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Progress/PatchProgress.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was removed ModuleManagerTests/PatchProgressTest.cs The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Progress/PatchProgressTest.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Progress/IPatchProgress.cs The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/ModListGenerator.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchExtractor.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/Progress/PatchProgressTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Progress/PatchProgress.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchContext.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/PatchExtractorTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/NeedsChecker.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/NeedsCheckerTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Progress/IPatchProgress.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/Progress/PatchProgressTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/NeedsCheckerTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Progress/IPatchProgress.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Progress/PatchProgress.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/Progress/PatchProgressTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/Utils/CounterTest.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Progress/ProgressCounter.cs The file was added ModuleManager/Utils/Counter.cs The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/Utils/CounterTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Utils/Counter.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Utils/Counter.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/NeedsCheckerTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Command.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/CommandParser.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Progress/PatchProgress.cs (diff) The file was added ModuleManagerTests/PatchApplierTest.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/ModuleManager.csproj (diff) The file was added ModuleManager/PatchApplier.cs The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/ModuleManagerTests.csproj (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/Progress/PatchProgress.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/Progress/PatchProgressTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchApplier.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchApplier.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchApplier.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/PatchApplierTest.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchApplier.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManagerTests/PatchApplierTest.cs (diff)
by joeydwong Ensure that user gets updates during long passes The patcher can potentially generate log messages faster than the main thread can log them, causing frames that are noticeably long with no updates. This ensures that yields still happen then. Verified that this does not meaningfully affect performance. Previous tests suggest that the time wasted by waiting until the next frame is relatively small. (commit: 30eeb6f ) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchApplier.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/MMPatchLoader.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchApplier.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchApplier.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchApplier.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchApplier.cs (diff) The file was modified
ModuleManager/PatchApplier.cs (diff) The file was removed TestUtils/URLBuilder.cs The file was added TestUtils/UrlBuilder.cs The file was modified
ModuleManager/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs (diff)