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  1. Fix the node remaining dv cursor position (commit: 1bff62b) (details)
  2. Move the NaBall and scale everything (commit: 3c04a1b) (details)
Commit 1bff62b39fe75d7821088702939e796748f164c2 by sarbian
Fix the node remaining dv cursor position
(commit: 1bff62b)
The file was addedHelixGaugeMover.cs
The file was modified MakeItSmall.cs (diff)
Commit 3c04a1b31755258e3b52a71430d69109da892363 by sarbian
Move the NaBall and scale everything
(commit: 3c04a1b)
The file was modified MakeItSmall.cs (diff)
The file was modified Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs (diff)