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  1. Added 3 Parameters to SmokeScreen (commit: 51df82f) (details)
Commit 51df82f7c3322e551abd1e433a1f420d6aa4018a by jasrapp
Added 3 Parameters to SmokeScreen
Performance seems unimpacted, tested locally, should work fine.
randConeEmit - Default value 0 (no cone emission), similar to
randomInitalVelocityOffsetMaxRadius, but a little less random effect
appearance in-game.  Forces a mirrored emission to ensure symmetric
plume appearance.
xyForce - default value 1, multiplicatively damps or grows horizontal
(perpendicular to exhaust velocity) speed. zForce - default value 1
multiplicatively damps or grows vertical
(parallel to exhaust velocity) speed.
(commit: 51df82f)
The file was modified PersistentKSPParticleEmitter.cs (diff)
The file was modified ModelMultiParticlePersistFX.cs (diff)